The Journey to Glory (3)

"Remember our bet? Yeah well, 1/50 pal," Alistair said in a joking tone.

Kaler's glare grew sharper. He could feel steam leaving his eyes, ears, nose, every orifice of his body was simply an exhaust pipe for the boiling anger in his head. He could feel himself losing control any second. He desperately hung on to his sanity, trying to remember Headmaster Cyrus's teachings.

Jaxon stood at full height once more. He realised that he had made a mistake. He did not realise that Aurora was already so close to her group. That said, his own pride did not allow him to  lose to Kaler. He had said what he had said. He is ready to bear with the consequences. He stared back and Kaler, unflinching. As if challenging him.