Mana Fire (2)

Astere Volance. Despite being a high school student, only about 18 years old, he is well known amongst both students and adults alike as a magical prodigy in his own right. Kaler, having met him, knows that that statement is no exaggeration. He is not only a skilled mage, but a fighter that would give a fully trained soldier a run for his money.

He is agile, quick on his feet, and able to out-maneuver almost any opponent. On top of that, he is adept at close quarter combat, like the use of knives for throwing and hand to hand combat. 

In terms of magic, he inherited his father's transformation abilities, an ability derived from proficiency in the nature element. He is able to shapeshift into more animalistic forms, transforming his hands and nails into tiger claws, morphing his jaw and teeth into viper fangs, and even sprout bird wings from his back.