Mixed Feelings

After Jiang Meilin made sure that her stubborn daughter was taking her bath, she made her way downstairs to the garden where old man Jiang used to relax while drinking his coffee and reading magazines or newspapers. Jiang Meilin walked towards her father and sat close to him with her arms wrapped around his and her head resting on his shoulder. She missed this old man.

"What are you reading this time father?" She asked with amusement laced in her tone at how he adjusted his glasses every few seconds. He was truly aging and she wished he was not.

"Nothing special. How are you?" He asked as he kept the magazine aside and patted her hands. "I am doing great dad. You deserve the credits of taking care of me so well," she smiled lightly. "Oh really now. Then I should give myself a pat on the shoulder for a job well done," old man Jiang proudly said.