Biting Attack

"My daddy is super hardworking and strong and handsome," Lee Ai praised. Ye Chaoxiang laughed at her sweet talks and awesome comment to which he would shamelessly and gladly accept. Afterall, he is so handsome. "My baby speaks the truth. But do not forget to add sleepy too," Ye Chaoxiang yawned.

"And sleepy too. Good night daddy," Lee Ai pecked him on the cheek and closed her eyes. "Goodnight, my love." And both of them drifted in a peaceful, nightmare free slumber.

It was already past breakfast and Mrs Ye was already preparing the meals to be eaten for lunch, but Ye Chaoxiang and Lee Ai had not been seen anywhere. Placing the fruit salad into a bowl and into the refrigerator to get cold, Mrs Ye removed her apron and walked out of the kitchen to the living room.