His Return

"Xiang, is being a father tough?" Yang Chen asked out of the blue. His sudden question shocked the two men sitting in the room.

"Why do you ask?" Ye Chaoxiang managed to ask after recovering from the shock question.

"Well, i see the way you seem to get troubled, happy and sad according to her mood. It's not like I am saying she a problem. It's just that I was thinking that you will be finding it difficult to handle the raising a child with your busy schedule, young age and as a playboy," Yang Chen explained.

"I thought so too but he has everyone with him. I heard that he even started reading books on parenting. Who would have even thought that Ye Chaoxiang would be a father?" Li Fengjin contributed. Life sure knows how to give surprises.

Ye Chaoxiang chuckled at his friends thought. It was true that he had started making research on how to be a good parent. First of all he had to get rid of all his bad habits. His parents had even warned him to stop drinking at all cost.