His Return 3

"Kai? Is that really you? I am not seeing things right?" She asked in a shaky voice. Taking her hands and placing it on his left cheek, he shook his head. To hell with not crying. He was already a crying mess right now.

"Yes. Yes, it is me. It's your little champ. I am here. You are not see things. It is really me," he said. Joy, sadness, shock, fear and hope were the emotions brewing within and around them.

"Oh my God. It is you. Oh my child, my son," Mrs Yang hugged him. He was surprised at first but he quickly surrounded her with his hands. He was overwhelmed. At long last, he could be with his only family.

After the emotional hug, they pulled apart. Mrs Yang examined her son very well. Her eyes scanning him from top to bottom and back up. "You have grown so much. But are too thin and skin is rough. What were you eating? Nevermind, come on let's get you cleaned up and stuff your tummy with enough meat and veggies," Mrs Yang ranted and pulled him towards the house.