Visit 2

"May we know the reason behind it and for your earlier instructions you gave?" Jack inquired carefully.

"Yes. Well, it is true that right now, the company is experiencing a state of anxiety and not chaos, might I correct that," Mr Longwen corrected.

"What do you mean? Why are we anxious?" Jack asked again.

"I am coming to that, Jack."

"I am sorry for cutting you off," Jack apologized. He is one of the curious employee in the finance department.

"What I mean by experiencing a state of anxiety, is that.. for the first time in the five years of this branch of Emperor's Enterprise existence, the CEO of this establishment world wide.... is now in City S and on his way right now to visit," Mr Longwen dropped the bomb.

There was this pale silence that reigned in the room of about twenty employees. They were shocked, thrilled and anxious. Their big boss is coming to visit their branch of f the company.