I Am Sorry

Meanwhile, assistant Yi Changying could not help but chuckle at her boss' attitude after the call. She did not need to overhear them to know that he got scolded by the madam. She shook her head and exited the room to give her boss privacy- in case he needed.

After two rings, the call got connected. Yang Chen smiled at his mother's lack of drama. But his s smiled got replaced with a fearful o e when he remembered her last statement from the other call.

"Hello mum," he said meekly.

"Yes, who is this? How may I help you?" Mrs Yang feigned ignorance at the person on the other end of the phone.

This frustrated Yang Chen. He felt like crying.

"Come on mum. Please do not be like this," he begged frustratingly. His plea was met with silence from the other end of the phone. His eyes began to water.

"Mum, pl-please. Talk to me," his voice almost broke out in sobs. He raked his hand through his blonde hair, messing it up.