Father And Daughter

Ning Xiaozhi could not get image of the doctor put of her mind. She could not believe that people that has the looks of a god still exists. 

"Gosh, he is so damn hot for a doctor. He should have been a model instead. Oh, my delicate heart," she exclaimed as she walked to the get her injection before getting the prescribed drugs.

Ning Xiaozhi be left the hospital after a while. She hailed a cab and went home directly. She did not have the strength to go to the restaurant to see how things are going or to even help them out like she used to.

Ning Xiaozhi is a type of person that loved to keep a low profile. No one new that she is the owner of Iris' Food Plug. Not even her parents.

Speaking of her parents, she had not contacted them for a while. Once she got home, she decided to prepare ginseng chicken soup for herself.