I Am Back



"Alright dear. Have a safe trip back and please think of our discussion today, okay?" Old man Jiang reminded her.

"Okay grandpa, I will. See you on Sunday. Bye," she waved at him and left the room. Bai Renxiang let out a long breath she did not know she was holding as soon as she left the suite.

Her mind kept replaying what her grandfather wanted from her as she walked out of the restaurant and back to the company.

After working hours, she left for Iris' Food Plug. Just as she was done serving a table, the head waiter of the restaurant called for her.

"Senior, you called for me. What can I help you to do?" Bai Renxiang asked respectfully.

"Nothing much. Boss wanted you to meet her at this address. She said it is urgent you be there as quickly as possible," the head waiter relayed the message to Bai Renxiang and gave her a small note on which she had written the address of the place.