We Kissed



As they dined, they had a little chat before Ye Chaoxiang throught it time yo get going. Although Ning Xiaozhi did not want him to go, she had to behave as she did not want to come off as being a clingy new girlfriend. 

She excused herself and went to escort him to his car. On getting there, Ye Chaoxiang turned to look at her and saw she had a not too smiling face. He sighed and engulfed her in a warm bear hug.

"It's okay yo just say you are going to miss me or you do not want me to go. I will miss you too," Ye Chaoxiang's words stunned her.

Ning Xiaozhi looked up at him and saw he had a solemn face on. She sighed and rested her head back on his chest. She could not still believe that the doctor she consulted when she was sick and the customer at her restaurant that she spilled hot tea on turned out to be her saviour.