He Found Her



Driver Jun woke up to a very unfamiliar environment. For a moment, rethought he was in heaven as everything he saw was white.

But his doubts were cleared when he heard the beeping sound of the machine beside him. Turning towards the sound, he saw it was a heart reading machine. 

"I must be in the hospital," he murmured. Then a flash of the accident scene crossed his mind. 

"Oh no. Young miss was taken by those men. Shit! I need to inform the others," Jun said as he abruptly sat up on the bed.

A sharp pain accompanied by an almost loud yelp resounded in the room. He had forgotten about the injuries he acquired from the accident.

"Aarrgghh!! Damn it. Why do I feel so much pain?" He said as he held the places that ached.

Just then, a man stepped into the hospital room. To say driver Jun was shocked would be an understatement. 

'Why is he here?' Jun asked in his mind.