Almost Exposed



"Suyin, we are going to be in-laws soon," Mrs Yang announced.

"What? Is that true?" Mrs Ye turned to look at Yang Wenkai be Ye Yumi.

"Yes, aunt. I am in love with Yumi," Yang Wenkai said.

"Oh. Yumi, you love Xiaokai, right? I hope it is not the same as the love you have for those actors you watch on TV."

"Of course not, mum. It is not the same. My feelings for... for brother Kai are genuine. It is not a fangirl type of love," Ye Yumi was embarrassed.

"Hmm. That is good to hear. I will tell your father and grandpa not to carry on with the arranged marriage anymore," Mrs Te said.


Ye Yumi and Yang Wenkai were shocked. Mrs Yang watched everything unfold as she drank from her orange juice.

"Arranged marriage? Did you and dad and grandpa arrange a marriage for me or for brother Chaoxiang?" Ye Yumi asked. She still found what her mother said hard to believe.