


Bai Xiaojin's preschool graduation was today... Finally.

The little boy has been so excited that he made everyone sleep late. His first-ever graduation, both of his parents would witness it just like other kids. What could be even better than that?

"Mummy! Daddy! Wake up," Bai Xiaojin barged into their room.

"Jin, take care of your son," Bai Renxiang groaned as she used the thick blanket to cover her head.

"Not now. You take of him first then I will take care of you later," Li Fengjin did the same.

This child of theirs was too energetic. He kept talking throughout yesterday evening when they got home. He made sure everyone listened to him.

Also, Bai Xiaojin was just too cute to ignore so they found it hard to leave or send him to sleep. Even Mr and Mrs Li who had not relaxed since they arrived were not spared, especially Mr Li.