Call From Her Mother II



"Don't make me laugh. If you are so busy you would not have time to go to parties like that wedding," Mrs Ning said. 

"And yet you go to so-called those evening parties as well," Ning Xiaozhi rolled her eyes at the woman. 

"Well, for your information, those parties are beneficial to the family business. I do not go there for fun."

"Oh, of course you did not... But you come home talking dad you had fun at the party" Ning Xiaozhi scoffed.

"Xiaozhi!" Mrs Ning called her name in warning tone. 

"At least you still remember by actual," she murmured but it was loud enough for her mother to hear. 

"Whatever... Let me remind you that I did not call to bicker with you."

Flipping her hair backwards, Ning Xiaozhi spoke like she was surprised. "Oh, would you take a look at that? We happened to be the same right now. Now, hurry up and state what you want."