


Ning Xiaozhi took her time to explain to them all that was said between herself and her mother during the phone call. With every word that came out of her lips, the girls would frown and felt sad for their friend.

"That witch of an evil mother did not even let me tell her that I have my Chaoxiang... I don't want to be caught up in a marriage without love. A marriage whereby I don't even know the man," Ning Xiaozhi word her tears with her right hand before placing back around the hot mug cup.

"I don't want to even think of what might happen to me into that type of marriage. My chance of freedom will forever be taken away from me and I don't– cough cough," she chokes on her own tears.

Bai Renxiang was quick enough to pat and rub her back smoothly to help. "Take it easy, sweetheart. Easy."