Meeting With TY Corps' CEO



Since it was just one meeting she has for today, Li Fengjin had to agree with it. He did not want more pressure of her company's workload on her.

Li Fengjin sighed before leading her to the car. "When you get back home, my promise still stands."

"What promise?" Bai Renxiang blinked in confusion.

"To help your body adjust to the weather," he remimded her and arched his brows.

Her face instantly heated up.

"But I will be tired when I get back," she tried to plead.

"Don't worry. I will go easy on you."

Bai Renxiang: "..."

Seeing her being utterly defeated into silence, Li Fengjin smirked before giving her a kiss on her lips and then her forehead.

"Get in," he voiced out.

Bai Renxiang did not even need him to tell her because she felt embarrassed. He just kissed her with his men and her assistant around. Li Fengjin chuckled lightly before helping her shut the door.