The Hard Way



Grandma Bai and Bai Ming stared wide eyed at grandpa Bai as he furiously tore apart the sheets of paper. He looked very angry because he was going red and his jaw was clenched tight.

But grandma Bai was more furious.

"MUYANG!!" She screamed out his name.

Shock, anger, confusion, frustration, disbelief. You name it. Grandma Bai and Bai Ming both shared the same feelings but for different reasons.

One, which is grandma Bai, was all channeled to the what reason grandpa Bai, her husband, was behaving this way. While the other, Bai was because she could see her only opportunity being taking a way from her just as it touched her fingertips.

"Muyang, you have done it this time. What is wrong with you, for heaven's sake?" Grandma Bai queried him while she abruptly stood up from the couch.