Message II



Li Fengjin sighed and shut his eyes close. He admired her lack of fear amd how she trusts him like she should. But still. It was better to be aware, prepared and safe that to be sorry.

"I know you will not let anything happen to me. That and the fact that I may know who sent the message," she told.

"I have a clue too. But I need to be sure you are out of harms way first. I'm not letting what happened before to happen again," Li Fengjin shook his head.

"It won't happen. They just want to scare me so that I will leave the company and all other things that belongs to me and my mother by right. But I am not backing down. Not now, not ever."

Li Fengjin sighed and nodded. "I know. I don't want you to back down either. So let's do this. Our little Jin stays home, you will go to that meeting but the number of bodyguards with you would be more."

"There is no need for that. The ones ypu assigned to me are enough."