


The fact that Li Xiaojin came into the living without neither Li Fengjin or Bai Renxiang was shocking.

Well it should not be shocking considering they were too involved in themselves and their feelings to be overly aware of their surroundings.

But thank goodness Li Fengjin's body concealed their acts. Or rather his acts.

"Mummy, can you cuddle with me?" Li Xiaojin asked in little cute voice.

He stood there in his cute cotton rabbit pjs and one of his favourite action toy figure in hand. He looked so cute that Bai Renxiang's desires a while ago faded.

"Why don't you join me and your daddy here? We will take you to bed when you fall asleep later," Bai Renxiang suggested.

"What? No!" Li Fengjin whispered to her.

Bai Renxiang shot him a quick glare when Li Xiaojin yawned. Her sweet smile returned immediately after.

"Can I?" Li Xiaojin asked.