


"Say, Fengjin... Who is this guy? How come the rest of us knows about him and what does he want with you?" Yang Chen asked.

Since this whole charade began, he has been wondering about it. Li Fengjin had finished taking care of his enemies a long time back.

That was when he newly took over the company from his father and the progress was the envy of many. So who is this new nuisance in his friend's life?

"Sigh. It's a long story, bro. Details and all will be after my wife and son are alright," Li Fengjin said.

"No problem. Let's rid our lives of all the pests first." Yang Chen did not push for anything more. Now was not the time to talk about that.

"I'm erasing his existence from the earth. And I'm not holding back one bit."

"You better. I have sent you the location of the guy. The rest is up to you," says Yang Chen.

"Sure. Thanks, bro," Li Fengjin appreciated him before ending the call.