


Although Li Fengjin did not want to leave, he also did not want to say something he does not mean and will regret later. So he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

He paused when his eyes met with their friends outside the room. Then he continued in his steps. Anger brimmed through him.

"Fengjin, wait up," Ye Chaoxiang followed him and so did the other boys.

While Ning Xiaozhi with the girls went in to see Bai Renxiang.

"Renxiang," she softly called.

Bai Renxiang peeked out of the covers. When she saw that it was Ning Xiaozhi she sat up.

"Xiaozhi, Jin is so mean," Bai Renxiang cried.

Ning Xiaozhi sighed and went to hug her best friend. "Yes is just angry, sweetheart. Try to understand him."

"Why can't he understand me? It's our child I went to save, you know."

"We know but it was dangerous as well and he worries a lot," Lisa spoke this time around.