Chapter 5 :Future plans GENERAL POV

Edmond :so what do you plan to do son?

James : i plan to plant some vegetables and fruits, i also plan to rise some animals here like some cow, chicken, pigs, fish and many more.

Christine: but where do we find those animals as all the animals outdide are all mutated.

James : you don't have to worry about that aunt as we can buy some seed and some animal here with some caps we have.

Edmond : i can go trade some of our guns, armors and ammos for some caps. Then we can buy some seed pant them and sell the extra crops we harvested for more caps.

James: that's the plan dad.

Claire : you know sweetie., even though I'm proud the think and act like adult at very young age... I still felt sad that i can't hug and spoil you anymore.

James : don't worry mom you can still hug and spoil me as im still you baby boy.

Claire : you and your sweet talk.... Come here let me hug you.

Claire hug her son tightly.

James :m.. Mom i can't breath. Ne..ed

Edmond : haha that's enough hon... Let you him go before your son passout due to lack of oxygen.

Claire pouts as she let go of her son.

James :ahhh... Thank dad haha. By the way let me introduce you guys to someone.... NANCY....

just as he call her, Nancy suddenly appear in front of them which surprised them.

Christine : wuuw.... Who is she? Is that wings real?

James : haha Guys meet Nancy, she is a tree spirit and also the one who assist me in managing this place....Nancy meet my Mom, my Dad, and My aunt.

Nancy : Good day everyone, it is nice to meet you.

Nancy bow towards them.

Claire : what an adorable little spirit.

Claire praise her which make the little spirit blush.

James :ok guys let's go back outside.

And with a flash they are back in the living room.

James : so dad can i have some of our caps?.. I plan to buy some seed so i can start planting.

Claire : ohh no no no sweetie... Its already late you need to sleep, you can start tomorrow.

Edmond : your mom is right we can start tomorrow... Don't worry I'll give you all of the we saved tomorrow and i can also trade some stuff that we don't use for more caps.

Christine :oh thats right Johnson will pass by here tomorrow.

Johnson is a merchants that always pass by our house once a week with his caravan. We always trade with him for some food, water, ammo etc.

James :ok i understand.. I'll be going to my room now.

After entering his room James lay down on his bed, although his bed is hard his used to it.

James : maybe i should buy some soft bed.... Wait i remember the house i bought inside my inner world have a complete appliances i could sleep there.... How stupid of me to forget about this king of things.

Inside the inner world James entered one of the bedroom inside the house... Inside he saw a modern bed, a lamp beside it, in the corner he saw a study desk with light on it, the bedroom even have its own bathroom.

James lay on the bed and fell so warm and soft.

James : i should tell my parents and aunt to sleep here after all there's still three rooms available ... Nahh I'll tell them tomorrow for lets sleep.

~next day ~

James woke up and exited the inner world. He noticed that it's already 10 am in the morning.

James : da** that was long and beautiful sleep.

He exited his room and goes to the living room but noticed that no one is home.

James :hmm.. Where's everybody? Maybe they are outside.

As James exited the house he saw his parents and aunt talking with his uncle Johnson.He decided to walk towards them.

Johnson : are you sure you don't want some meat it is newly butcher i even have lots

purified water.

Edmond :no thaks Johnson we still have some stored food and water. I'll buy some ammos though for my rifle and my sister's shotgun , the rest will be caps.

Johnson :ok choice... I'll trade all of this for 15,000 caps minus the ammos that would be 10,200 caps.. Here you go.

James :Good morning morning mom, dad, aunt Chris, good morning to you too uncle Johnson how's your caravan doing?

Parents : good morning son

Christine : goid morning nephew.

Johnson : good morning little genius.. My caravan is doing great, although it is nice chatting with you guys but i still need to visit some other settlement. Goodbye.

As Johnson said his good bye he started traveling again with his caravan. Johnson's caravan consist of him, three brahmin that carries his goods, and 5 guards with armor and armed with different kind of guns.

Edmond : come on let's go back inside and eat im already hungry.

After eating they set in the living room and started talking.

Edmond : so son this is all the caps the we saved, you can use it to buy some seeds to plant and animals to rise.

Edmond give his son a bag that contain 20,000 caps.

James: thanks dad i will use it well.

Edmond : no problem son, we trust your choices

James : Excuse me as i will go back to my room to prepare.

~In James room ~

James : Jenn can you show me the seeds and animals prices please ?

[ No problem lil bro.


-orange : 100 caps per pack

-apple: 100 caps per pack

Mango : 100 caps per pack

Carrots : 100 caps per pack

Tomato: 100 caps per pack

Eggplant : 100 caps per pack





Animals :

Cow: 200 caps

Pig: 200 caps

Chicken : 100 caps

Fish:50 caps

Rabbit : 150 caps






James : Jenn why are the other items grayed out?

[ those items are still locked and you need a certain levels to unlock them., the higher your level is the more Items you unlock and the more special they get. For example, if your level are high enough you can unlock a mutation fruit which can give anyone who eat it a random mutant power...or you can also unlock some beast divine beast that will fight for you and they 100% loyal to you.

The same goes to your inner world which can level up every time host achieve 20 levels.As of now your inner world only consist one island as large as the Commonwealth.

Each time your inner world level up you can unlock another island. ]

James : can you please show me my status


Name: James Storm

Race:half Human, Half mutant

Title : Reincarnated One

Level 3

Health : 100%

Strength : 3

Endurance :3

Agility :2

Perception :2

Intelligence :5



Attribute Point:3

Reincarnated One: given to a person who is reincarnated. Exp x2, +4Luck,+4 intelligence, +4 Charisma.

Inventory :

Caps: 25,000



James : hmm.... I will not distribute my attribute points yet, lets save it for now i not in a hurry after all... As for the caps, i remember i have 15k last day then I spent 10k for the house and the training grounds for combat skills and my father give 20k caps earlier all in all i have 25k caps.

[ By the way lil bro since your only level 3 you can only rise 3 kinds of animal with the quantity of 300 same goes with the crop you can only plant 3 kinds and the quantity is 300.]

James : thanks for the info Jenn.

I decided to buy 10 cow (3 male, 7 female), 20 chicken (15 hen, 5 rooster), and 20 fish... For seeds i bought 1 pack of tomato seeds(consist of 200 seeds) , 1 pack of apple seeds(consist of 20 seeds) and 1 pack of wheat seeds (consist of 200 seeds)..... I also decided to buy a 100 sacks of unifeeds (universal feeds that can feed any kind of animals), poultry house for the chickens and a cattle house for the cattle... All in all it caused me 8,000 caps.

James : Nancy can you manage everything i bought?

Nancy : No problem can leave to me.

James : thanks Nancy.

Chapter end.