Had She Ever Felt So Pathetic?

Vanya spoke very softly and comfortingly. "The locks are taken care of and everything is in trash bags ready to be tossed out whenever he dares to show his face here. Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"I need a new bed set and to move the rest of my furniture to a different room but I don't know if that will be possible today," Molly said dully.

"Anything is possible when I'm in charge. I'll make it happen. Do you have any preferences for what type of bed and bedding you want or shall I pick for you?"

"The same general size as before is fine but I need a different type of bedframe. Make the bedding purple if possible. Can you really get it done today? I don't think I'm in any shape to sleep on the couch but I can't spend another night in that bed."

"I said I would get it done and I'll get it done. Rest assured, Molly. Shall I wait to do this until after he comes? I don't want to leave you to deal with that cretin alone."

Molly hadn't thought of that. She definitely wasn't strong enough to chuck all of Calvin's things outside at once on her own either. Having backup would be helpful. Especially strong, angry backup.

"I'd appreciate that," she said quietly. "Thank you."

She sat quietly with Stella, sensing her distress, in her lap until there was angry pounding on the door. She took a deep breath, not ready to face him. At least she didn't have to do it alone. Vanya stood nearby tense like a mouse trap ready to spring.

"Can you help me chuck his things outside?" Molly asked sadly.

Before the question was even fully out of her mouth, the housekeeper already had everything ready. That was three bags per hand! How strong was she?!

"You should get the cake to throw it at him," Vanya advised.

Molly cracked a smile. She hadn't spoken that idea aloud so apparently they were on the same wavelength. "I'll do that now."

She carefully moved the cake to a paper plate and thought it was a shame it had to go to waste like this. Calvin deserved it though and she didn't have the heart to eat her cheating fiancé's birthday cake anyway.

Vanya ended up opening the door to a very surprised Calvin who yelped as she chucked the trash bags at him so forcefully he fell over. He ended up cursing her out.

"What are you doing?!"

"Taking out the trash," she said in a hard voice before holding up her phone to show the pictures she took earlier. "Does this look familiar to you?"

All the blood drained out of his face and he looked up at Molly beseechingly. "Mol, I can explain!"

"Oh? I'm dying to hear it," she replied sarcastically with her arms crossed over her chest. The cake was sitting on a piece of furniture where it would be easy to grab. She planned on making that the final blow.

"I never meant for it to happen like this! Evelyn was an old friend from high school. All we were doing was catching up and things got out of hand. I didn't expect her to get pregnant; it was supposed to be a one-time deal—"

Uncharacteristic fury coursed through Molly's veins. "But it wasn't and even if it was, I wouldn't forgive you. Vanya told me your plan. That you were going to marry me then completely screw me over to go live your perfect little life with your new family. How could you do this to me, Cal? I trusted you!"

Panic flashed through his eyes and he rounded on Vanya accusingly. "How is that even possible?! Were you inside my house?"

"I have excellent hearing," she deadpanned.

Molly's crushed heart felt like it was being grinded into powder when he didn't even try to deny it. She barely bit back a sob and wrapped her arms even tighter around her waist in a self-soothing gesture.

"Did you ever love me at all?"

The question slipped out without her permission considering she really didn't want to hear the answer. It was stupid to even bother asking such a thing considering what he did. It didn't matter if he ever loved her because he certainly didn't now.

Calvin sighed as he stood and brushed himself off. "Not really. You were convenient. An easy, low-maintenance girlfriend. No offense, but you're boring, predictable, and not that attractive so is it really that surprising I found a better offer?"

Molly stood there in horror for a moment as her knees gave out. That was the worst possible thing he could have said in this situation because it preyed on all of her insecurities.

She sunk to her knees as she desperately tried to process what he said and find a way to refute it. As she did, the cake unexpectedly came soaring over her shoulder and nailed him in the face.

Calvin was cursing again about how much that hurt as Vanya began furiously shouting at him. "You never deserved Molly's devotion in the first place! If you ever so much as dare show your face here again, I'll kill you."

She gently hauled Molly to her feet and was about to lead her inside but there was one more thing to do. She plucked the engagement ring off her finger and chucked it directly at his forehead. It stuck there due to the stickiness of the frosting.

"Goodbye, Calvin," she said in a hollow voice.

"And good riddance!" Vanya echoed as the door slammed behind them.

Molly completely broke down then, barely managing to get the words out. "I knew I wasn't good enough! I never am! No one will ever love me!"

Her housekeeper tried assuring her that wasn't true but nothing got through to her as she sobbed like the world was ending. Essentially it had. The person she trusted most had betrayed her cruelly. How was she supposed to recover from that?

Vanya valiantly attempted to calm her down to no avail. After a while, she seemingly gave up. "I think Stella's services are needed right now."

The cat appeared out of nowhere and jumped into Molly's lap purring and rubbing up against her. Overwhelmed, Molly ended up seizing Stella and hugging her against her chest as she sobbed into her fur.

"She'll watch over you," the housekeeper said. "I'm going to take care of the bedroom situation."

And she did, alarmingly fast. By the time Molly collected herself, everything was already taken care of. Her sense of time had been warped because of how much she cried but it still seemed faster than should be humanly possible. How had Vanya managed to go out and buy a new bed so fast, let alone assemble it and move the rest of the furniture?

But everything was neatly taken care of by the time she came back to her senses. There was even caution tape on the door of her old bedroom blocking it off as if it was a crime scene. That made a strangled watery laugh escape her.

"You're a wizard," Molly whispered as she looked around her new room. Everything had been moved over, even the things that had been stored in her old closet and bathroom.

Vanya ignored that comment and looked at her in concern. "Do you need anything else?"

"No, I think I need to sleep now. Or at least try. I'm sorry for breaking down on you like that. Thank you for helping me so much today. You can go home." Honestly, she was embarrassed that she lost control of herself like that in front of her employee.

"If you're sure. I'll be back first thing in the morning to make sure you're alright. Take care, Molly."

As soon as Vanya was gone, she collapsed on the bed and was quickly joined by both of her cats. Stella nosed her way into her arms and Casper stood guard right next to her the way they usually did when she had nightmares.

She wished this was one. She wasn't sure she would ever be able to trust a man again after what happened. How was she supposed to believe anyone could be interested in her now?

Molly didn't want to spend her whole life alone. But who could love her if Calvin couldn't after nearly three years together? It had all been a lie! He said she was convenient. Easy. Low maintenance. Probably because she was such a pushover that she always did things for him without complaint. Had she ever felt so pathetic?

She cried herself to sleep with her cats by her side wishing that she didn't exist so she didn't have to feel this sort of pain. What sort of miserable failure was she that only animals liked her? Why wasn't she ever good enough for anyone else?