Found You

Bree gaped up at Jasper in astonishment, seemingly unable to say anything. That was alright. He could say something first.

"Found you."

Her astonishment turned to horror and the first thing he heard come out of her real mouth was a squeak. "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me! I didn't lie to you on purpose!"

Why did she always have to think he was going to kill her?! The thought had never occurred to him once! He said he only hurt people who betrayed him…did she think of her not telling him who she really was as a betrayal?

Jasper didn't think of it that way. He had just wanted to see her again. It wasn't like she left him on purpose either. She had no control over switching her body with April's as far as he knew.

"That isn't why I'm here!" he protested.

Bree's defensive stance lowered and she looked up at him uncomprehendingly. "It's not?"


"Then why ARE you here?"