I'm Not A Good Friend To Have

Cora tried to drink some water only to discover that her bottle was empty. Great. That wouldn't help with her headache either.

The tears wouldn't stop. She knew she needed to get a hold of herself before Ace got here but she just couldn't. She had no control over them and was still desperately trying to wipe them away when he knocked on her car window looking extremely concerned.

"Here's your sandwich. I got you water and a cookie too," he said after she opened the door.

"Thank you," Cora whispered, sure that she would begin sobbing if she tried to muster any volume. Her throat already hurt from crying so hard earlier.

"Mind if I sit with you for a while? Just to make sure you're okay," Ace clarified.

She nodded. She wasn't really allowed to mind since he had bothered coming all the way here and bringing her food. She whispered that she would pay him back but he wouldn't let her, saying he brought her food because he wanted to.