Difficult To Hide

Yzranth's plan was coming along very nicely, if he did say so himself. He was sure not to move too quickly in the beginning and go Hannah's pace so he wouldn't scare her off and it seemed to work because it didn't take too long for her to suggest watching TV together. 

He had been waiting to be able to do that as a human so he could talk to her about what they were watching instead of simply listening. He happily snuggled up next to her, though he had to do it differently than he did in lizard form because he was so much bigger, and she surprised him by kissing his cheek. 

That was a good thing! He knew that was one of the ways humans showed affection to each other. He smiled at her and she changed her target from his cheek to his lips. Even better!

This was what she did with that knight he had to scare off. His plan was working better than he thought.