You Deserve All The Love In The World

Isaac looked at Whitney in confusion. "For what?"

She didn't want to say her suspicions aloud because he was clearly uncomfortable talking about whatever he was hiding. She kept that part out of it.

"For loving me the way you do. It means more to me than you know." 

Isaac sighed and tightened his embrace, stroking her hair. "Ah, Whitney, you deserve all the love in the world." 

She couldn't help it. She pounced on him for that and, once again, the cake was left forgotten. At this rate, it would never get finished but she needed to let him know how she felt. The poor cake would have to wait. 

Whitney might not know what Isaac had wished for but, if it had been her birthday today, she would have wished to stay with him forever and have a happy family with him. That was all she wanted.