You Can't Do Whatever You Want

Ava was too stunned from the impact and struggling not to drown under the weight of her thick winter coat to stop the police from taking them away. That feeling in her chest tightened to the point that she nearly couldn't breathe. 

The very thought of something happening to those two threatened to suffocate her. Was this the effect of the blood bond? Was she really tied to those two idiots who didn't know how to handle themselves in the human world? 

Growling in frustration, she got into her car and did her best to follow them even though she was soaking wet in the middle of winter. The heater was turned on full blast, which helped warm her slightly, but did nothing about the state of her clothes or makeup. 

Ava arrived at the main police campus downtown and approached the front desk still dripping wet and looking like a crazy person. The receptionist obviously thought she needed to be locked up too. 

"Can I help you?" she asked with clear distaste.