What Do You Want To Know?

Kael didn't like anything about this. He didn't like babysitting, even though it was a task entrusted to him by his mistress. He didn't like this demon acting so superior either. 

He was plenty useful! He had helped Lady Ava around the house, hadn't he? She had been appreciative of his efforts, thanking him with a smile that caused an oddly tight feeling in his chest. 

All his life he had grown up hearing about his duty to the fairy queen even though the search for her reincarnation had yet to be successful. The clan leaders always told him he needed to do his best to become the kind of guard the queen would need. 

It gave him a sense of purpose. Kael was an orphan whose parents had been killed by demons when he was too young to remember them. He was raised collectively by the clan, bouncing from dwelling to dwelling as was convenient.