There Isn't Much To Tell

Ava nearly cried when she had to go back to work and deal with the fallout of missing so much time. Four of the days she took off were unpaid and that would affect her next paycheck severely. 

At least Zeldris had gone out and gotten a job. He wouldn't get paid for another two and a half weeks but the promise of more money coming made her feel a bit better. 

He had certainly surprised her by adapting to human customs enough to get hired, even if it was at a place that would take just about anybody. And Kael had really stepped up to the plate taking care of everything that would have piled up horribly at home. 

She was so grateful to both of them for helping her out that she was willing to forgive what caused the concussion in the first place. Those two would not be allowed to play Just Dance again in her tiny living room. 

"Ava!" Ian greeted with a bright smile. "It's so good to see you! The office wasn't the same when you were gone. How's your head?"