The Worst Possible People As Fellow Guards

Kael didn't like this at all. His lady was putting herself in unnecessary danger because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He had been internally kicking himself for it all night. 

He felt even worse come morning because she looked like she might be sick again as she picked at her breakfast. She was clearly terrified about what her part in the plan was to expose Ianor's wings. 

He still thought it was an unnecessary risk and that they could figure out another plan in due time but that thoughtless demon had gotten the idea into her head that this was the only way. She was trying to be brave about it but she was struggling. 

Lady Ava got up from the table without eating more than two bites of her food after thanking Kael dully for preparing it. Her entire being radiated anxiety. He was about to ask if she needed anything when the demon beat him to the punch.