You're A Real Flirt, Aren't You?

Riley Vail had been struggling since her breakup. She dated that creep Josh for two years just for him to cheat on her and paint himself as the victim because he had been drunk. 

It happened at the beginning of her last semester of college and she lost all of her friends in the process because they sided with him. Screw that! She didn't need anyone like that in her life anyway. 

So when she got an unexpected job offer in another state, she jumped at the chance. Electrical engineers were in demand but they usually weren't young and female. She had been one of the few women in her major back in college. 

She often wondered if she had been hired solely for the diversity points because all of her coworkers were a lot older then her and men. Some were quite condescending but others were nice. Her favorite coworker was a man named Glenn who was married with three adorable children.