Don't Do That Ever Again

That was what Mila said but she was internally freaking out. How was she supposed to set boundaries with her overly affectionate cat without hurting his feelings? This sort of thing couldn't keep happening if she wanted her sanity to remain intact. 

"Hey, Leo…" she began before cringing about how awkward what she needed to say was.

He tilted his head curiously. "What?"

She took a deep breath. She could do this! As long as she explained it properly, his feelings wouldn't be too hurt…she hoped. Letting him do whatever he wanted was going to give her a heart attack sooner or later so she had to try and do this before things got worse.

"Could you maybe not kiss me?" Mila forced out. "I know I kiss you all the time but it's different because it's only on your cheeks or the top of your head. Only humans who love each other kiss on the mouth so you can't do that again, okay?"

Leo frowned. "But I'm human right now and we love each other."