Godly gift

The first thing I needed was information about my target. After all, someone like Odin must have been spied on by every faction and beyond.

It wasn't actually that difficult to find some information about the king. A quick stop at the Gremory library and I was good.

Apparently the man was a pervert. A massive pervert. I thought it was weird since I recalled that Odin was supposed to be married to Frigga. But in the world of DxD his wife was killed. And wasn't THAT a surprise. After all, my knowledge of this world is centred around the event of Kuoh, and again, even my memory were spotty at best.

From the information I gathered, Frigga was killed by an unknown party, and her body was left cold and bleeding on the ground of a small Norwegian village. Backstabbed by a sharp blade, or a knife from was was discovered.

I also discovered that Odin was still looking for any clue on the crime, and had kept his wife body in some kind of crystallised sarcophagus in hope of resurrecting her one day.

The reason he believed it possible was because Gods don't really die in this world. They kind of... Get deactivated, but their divine essence stay inside the body. As long as someone still worship the Norse pantheon and know of Frigga, the wife of Odin, her divinity will keep existing. It's just that now she was, for lack of a better term, in a deathly coma.

It happened in some mythologies, like how Osiris, despite being cut in numerous pieces was bought back to life. And while he didn't know HOW to do it, it certainly didn't stop him from trying.

Si then I fought... Why not help him with that ?

I knew I didn't have the material, nor the knowledge to resurrect a god. It was just too complicated. Without even taking the fact that I would need to inject some divine power into whatever I would create to do the deed. No, I thought of something much more simple.

What if I gave him the possibility to talk to his wife ?

With god, the concept of soul was very spotty. They existed as "living" being, but at the same time, they were some king of "concept", an amalgam of ideas taking form by their worshippers.

So no problem finding her soul. Some blood would do the trick... Hopefully.

No, the problem was to create a way for him to communicate with her, without Frigga hating me for putting her "consciousness" into something demeaning". I mean, I don't think she would be happy to be brought back in a doll, or some king of artefact, just for the pleasure of her husband.

No, I needed something that would make her happy, or at least, not too angry, but at the same time, something I could do without too many complication.

The answer actually came from Celina. While discussing my dilemma with her, more to rebound idea than anything she asked me something simple :

Celina : "You could bring her back has a magical painting from Harry Potter ? She would have a nice environment, and if she's put in the main hall, she would be able to talk to other right ?"

And wasn't THAT a good idea ? I just needed to find a way to paint her. But for the magical painting to work, I needed a living model.

The way around that wasn't actually that difficult. I found a video, or more exactly, a memory archived in the library pertaining to a diplomatic event between the Asgardians and the underworld.

It was a suitable support as while looking at the memory, she was "alive". A bit borderline with what I needed but with a drop of her blood in the painting it should do the trick. After all she was a god, and god could do some weird stuff.

So I decided to paint a nice clearing, with a forest on the far east and a Viking hall in the background. This way, she SHOULD have place to go in her painting if she was bored. The whole thing was based on intent, so if I thought hard enough of the inside of the hall while painting it. It should be usable.

I also imagined the forest with some game inside if she intended to hunt. Not too sure if that was a thing for her but I do remember she was the leader of the Valkyries so she was a fighter at least. I easily depicted a few boars at the forest edge.

With that being done, I just needed to paint the woman... JUST. You need to understand that it was much more than just painting, it was more akin to capturing her personality, expression, movement, and giving it life on the canvas. It was really hard depending only on the memory, but I really did my best. And once again, I was REALLY betting on her blood to end the process.

And even if it didn't work, at least Odin would have a beautiful painting of his deceased wife. And when I say beautiful, I mean it. The model did help, after all she was gorgeous, but the end result was just awesome. She was depicted siting in a chair, with her air floating lightly in the breeze while she was just relaxing.

Thinking back about it, it was a godly gift, after all, I was going to offer a god *snicker*.

Now all I needed, was to get an audience. And what better way to get the pervert attention than by giving him an eyeglass that could see through clothes ? I just made sure to put a fail-safe on it. After all, I didn't want him to be able to scan my potential future wife, as well as my maid.

So anyone with the Gremory symbol on their clothes would be protected. After all, I may have had a bad relationship with my family but I didn't want Odin to leer on them.