Wow, the hate with which she said his name... No idea why, but good for me. I need for Celina to kill someone anyway. Can't have my maid afraid of killing.
This way it's double win for me. Celina gets her first kill, and I complete my first deal.
Alexander : "Idle curiosity, what has he done to you ?"
Natasha : "It's because of him that I live here. He pimped me against my will to his friends when I was in college. When my parents learned that I was considered the college prostitute, they threw me out of the house. You can see the result." Ouch. I can get why she's not his biggest fan.
Alexander : "Very well Natasha. We have a deal." I said this using my magic to make my voice sound like several voices at the same time. You know, to had the creepy feeling, and so she really gets it's not a joke. "Just put a drop of blood on this contract to seal the deal. You'll KNOW when the deed is done."
And after saying that, I made a contract appear in my hand. And using a quick cantrip spell, added the terms to the contract in red light.
She looked warily at the contract, at me, did a double take on what was written, and put a drop of blood.
With that, the contract disappeared in a burst of flame, surprising her fellow tramps (just in my hammerspace really, but the show must go on).
Alexander : "It was a pleasure doing business with you Natasha Kovalenko. I wish you the devil luck on your future endeavours"
Why did I know her name ? It appeared on the contract, and I KNOW what is in my hammerspace. Once again, a great way to make me look super cool.
And thus we went away while her friends were looking at us suspiciously. After quickly explaining what happened to Celina (she could not speak Ukrainian) I told her it was her job to kill the man.
And I was surprised to see she looked determined, but not scared.
Alexander : "No reaction to the fact I'm asking you to kill someone ?"
Celina : "Well... You're a devil right ? That's going to be standard things you'll ask me to do right ? I've been preparing myself for that for a while." She told me, a bit unsure.
Alexander : "Why the heaven would you think that ? I've never killed anyone myself you know. I'm not sure what kind of image you have of me, but I'm not doing evils stuff as soon as you're not looking. I'm REALLY just a lazy inventor/artist. Devil is just my race."
Celina : "But... You ARE asking me to kill someone right now."
Alexander : "Well... Yeah. It's more because bodyguard will be of your maid duty in the future, and I don't want you to hesitate to kill my enemies or something. While my family are pretty lax devils, there ARE some nasty piece of work in the underworld. Our reputation DOES come from somewhere after all."
Celina : "It's alright, I already prepared myself for this. You're the only one who ever gave me a real chance in my life, and I will NEVER let you down for this. I'll become the very best servant you'll ever imagine." She said with a bit of fanaticism in her voice.
Finding the trash was easy, Heart seeker for the win ! I just knew when I created that artefact, that it was a good idea.
We found him in a small house, having sex with the one I suppose was his girlfriend. A bit of magic, and the door opened for us. Another piece of magic and the two lovers were asleep. Not wanting to incriminate the girl, I simply lifted the guy fireman style, and we teleported to my house.
How could I lift an adult human body while I was just a kid ? I'm a devil. And while I don't workout, devils are strong. It's also a reason why most devils are handsome. You need to indulge A LOT to become fat or something similar. Genetic just loves us.
Frigga was there when we passed the living room, and raised an eyebrow when she saw me carrying a living body, but since I kept silence, so did she.
We went to my workshop, where I put the guy in a kind of bath. I installed that in case I needed to process a magical beast for ingredients in the future.
Then I simply gave Celina a butcher knife.
The way she did not hesitate at all was actually scary. I mean... That should have been a life changing choice right ? But I only saw resolve in her eyes. That, and the need for my approval as soon as she slit his throat.
And she had it.
Then I simply told her to take of her clothes and to come in front of the human size mirror. I took a video camera and set it behind her, but with an angle to see her reflection in the mirror.
She was a bit shy to be nude in front of me but said nothing.
Then I took the contract and asked her to put a drop of her blood. This way she would be the one to gain the essence 'ready to be extracted' in the contract.
The change was fast, and from the moan I was hearing, pleasurable. In less than fifteen seconds, she went from ugly duckling to hot bombshell.
First, she grew a lot, she went from 5 to 5.7 foots tall. Next was her body frame. Her back wasn't bent anymore, and she stood straighter. Her whole body became more toned but in a sexy way, nothing bulky, losing all her excessive fat on the way. And of course she now had an hourglass figure. Big bust, shapely behind and thin waist.
Her face also changed. No more pimps, she lost some fat, and the line of her face became smoother. Her black hairs became more shiny, and got more volume. her nose straighten itself, and became smaller. Finally, her teeth got whiter, and their shape changed and got more orderly.
The only weird thing were her eyes. They got purple, and glowed a little bit. I had kind of expected something like that. There is a reason we say that the eyes are the door to our soul. So when you tinker with your soul, there is that little physical manifestation.