Becoming a peeping tom

Getting some centaurs horsehair would be easy. Just go in their community in Greece and trade some berries or food stuff and they would be happy.

The crystal skull could just be 'liberated' from a museum, or a collector who could not appreciate it's true value.

The real problem was the eyeball from a Greek sibyl. First of all, no one is OK with giving his eyeball. Second, the Greek sibyls are pretty secluded in our time, and are protected by the Greek gods.

The best thing I could do was poach it without no one the wiser. But for that I needed a replacement eyeball. So I did just that.

Using Celina as my delivery girl, I got a normal eyeball (didn't ask where it came from) and various stuff. I created an eyeball that once put in someone skull would replace the previous eyeball, taking the eye colour as well as adjusting to the previous eye vision.

While I was creating this, Celina went to do whatever she does when I'm crafting.

It's only when I finished my work that I realized there was a crystal skull and centaurs horsehair on my desk.

When asked why was this here Celina simply told me :

Celina : "Young master, it's a maid duty to provide her master easy found materials to allow him to concentrate on more important tasks." Once again, I have my doubts, but well... Who cares as long as she's happy.

After that I gave the eyeball to Celina and taught her how to use it. I also provided her a hand of glory. Once you give the hand a candle, the tool will provide light only to the one holding the hand. What people don't know, is that holding the hand also protects you against divination and godly vision if you replace the candle by some ebony.

And just like that, I sent Celina, telling her to be extra careful of course. She just needed to find a sibyl, put her into a magical coma, take her eye, and replace the eye. She'll never know it, and it would never impact her life.

It would be a full 28 hours later that I would see Celina again, smiling, proud, and with my last component.

Yeah, I was definitely going to make her the best sacred gear ever. Whatever people believed, the best crafter was me, not the big guy. He just had 5000 years of head start.


Alexander : "TADAAA !" I said showing the crystal skull with an ethereal eye inside, looking around creepily.

Celina : "Well done young master, as expected of you." She said with so much pride that you'd think she's the one who made it. "I do hope you won't use it to spy on woman bathing though."

Alexander : "Why would I do that Celina, since even clothed, you're more beautiful than all the woman in the world." I told her completely shamelessly. And my compliment worked since I got a big smile in return, and a bigger blush with it.

She's really the best maid ever.

Alexander : "Now, let's blatantly spy on that perverted fallen !"

Activating the crystal skull named 'Tom' (he is THE peeping tom after all) simultaneously with heart seeker allowed me to finally observe Azazel, Governor General of the Fallen Angels, and leader of Grigori in his lab.

It was interesting to note that the moment I saw him, he reacted and looked around him. He really had a good intuition. In the end he cast a few detection spells and relaxed again.

His lab was pretty organised as a whole, but his working bench was full of notes with no notable organization. He had a few porn books on the side too. And the poster harbouring the wall were not PG. In the end, what I expected.

But suddenly five fallen angels rushed in, all armed and seemed to cast restlessly detection and divination spells. That's when I realized he was good. He must have send a message to some of his people because he realized I was spying.

Realising I won't be able to spy on him I decided to have a bit of fun. I took my phone and called someone I never contacted since she gave me her number, Serafall.

Alexander : "Hello lady Leviathan. This is Alexander Gremory speaking."

Serafall : "Alex-kun ?! YAY ! How are you ? I really want to thank you for your last gift. I'm in the process of improving our relationship with the Greeks thanks to it."

Alexander : "Good for you. But I'm need of your help really quick. Do you have Azazel personal phone number ? If so can you give it to me ?"

Serafall : "Azazel ? Like THE Azazel, the Governor General of the Fallen Angels ? Hum... I'm not sure this is a good idea Alex. Despite the image he projected in the last 400 years he is pretty dangerous. And I'm not sure I can explain why I gave his personal number to, I'm sorry to tell you, a nobody. Why do you need his number for anyway ? If you need something I'm sure I can help."

Alexander : "First, you don't need to tell him you gave his number since I will only text him anonymously. As for why, it's a secret. But if you don't want to give it to me it's OK, I'll just ask Frigga, I mean... Queen Frigga. I just though to ask you first since I remember you taking steps to become my lover." I said jokingly.

The message couldn't be more clear though. Give it to me now or I'll just ask my friends in Asgard, losing freebies she could gain easily.

Serafall : "Mouuu, you're no fun Alex-kun. His number is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX. And please be careful with him. He really is dangerous. I wouldn't want to lose a potential fiance after all."

Alexander : "Don't worry, I'm not doing anything bad. See you next month... Hum actually, are you coming at my birthday party, I have yet to see the list of invitation ?"

Serafall : "Yes, I'll be there. As you know I'm the underworld's head diplomat and despite being a Devil you are ALSO an Asgardian, so I can't NOT be there. This is why your introduction to the devils is all the more important. So see you soon Alex-kun !"

Alexander : "Bye, and thank you lady Leviathan."