Face slapping

Diodora : "I do not appreciate being ignored !" He said trying to sound... menacingly ? He really was young... Nothing like the two faced bastard he would become in the following years.

Alexander : *sight* "What do you want exactly ? I understand that you are important and all that since you're an heir of one of the 72 pillar family, but I would also remind you it is common etiquette for an heir or a lord to stay polite in the home of someone who invited you. The fact that you insulted my guest like a common peasant from the street makes me doubt the veracity of you claim as the heir Astaroth.

A great house such as them would have taught, at the very least, basic manners to the heir, the same manners even a uncultured human would know. Or are you just too stupid to remember said manners ?"

Take that scum, I could already see the young devil that didn't really know him starting to doubt him.

Diodora : "OF COURSE I'M THE HEIR ! Just ask Ajuka Beelzebub, he's my cousin !" He said with an once of superiority.

Alexander : "There's just so many wrong things here I do not know where to start... First of all, whether your statement is true or not, you know well that no one will bother LORD Beelzebub to verify such an insignificant piece of information." Honestly, he certainly would ? I could totally see him spying on our conversation thanks to my boosted senses (touki for the win), as well as many of the adults around him by the way. "Which make me doubt you even more. I can do it too you know. I would like to tell everyone here that I am the reincarnation of the big guy, if you don't believe me, just go and ask Michael, he's my son..."

That did get some laugh and the kids where starting to get slowly separate from him.

"Furthermore you call him your cousin... FOOL ! Do you have no idea about the implication of saying that in public ? Just to remind your pathetic little brain of our laws, after the end of the civil war it was decided that no satan would ever have any family ties anymore. This was decided to prevent the abuse and favouritism that led to the war in the first place. So if you really were the Astaroth heir as you claim to be, you saying this in the present company could be taken as Ajuka Beelzebub acknowledged you as his family and thus, is rebelling against our law ! Of course, no sane heir would say that. So you're clearly delusional. Come one people, let's leave the poor kid alone, he clearly need some rest."

What I said was of course some bullshit. As if Ajuka cared about Diodora calling him cousin. But who cares, this is a political field for the kids so no adult would intervene. And in politics, the truth is the one acknowledged by the mass if there's not verified source. So right now, Diodora was doubted, and the mass of his previous bootlickers didn't think about it too much and just separated from him for the moment. I could see Sona looking at me almost screaming in frustration by the idiocy of most of them. It was like she was saying 'Really ? I mean... Really ? They believe that ? REALLY ???'

She's Fun.

As for Diodora, he stayed there silently looking murderous and scared. I could see him sending fearful glance toward Ajuka. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that.

That was until an adult came, breaking the silent rule of 'no adult during a youth gathering'. If anything, it would make Diodora look weak, and I could see the adults around looking disapprovingly at the meddler coming.

No name Busybody : "Hello everyone, I couldn't help but hear some snippet of conversation from here. I just wanted to say that being a member of house Astaroth, I can confirm that he is indeed our young heir."

Alexander : "WOW ! You mean that guy with no manner and brain is really the best house Astaroth has ? How the mighty has fallen." I said looking sad.

After my comment, I could see that no name busybody was not happy. As for Diodora ? He was livid.

Diodora : "YOU !!! As the heir of a major house, I demand compensation for your slight ! Seeing as your nothing but a regular member of your house, I require a tribute for your insult."

At that I could see everyone getting still. Even the adults were now looking here, and they were not happy. Why is that you may ask ? Because there is indeed such a thing. It was a law created by the original satan to plunder resources from the 'lower class' by saying they were 'slighted'. The law still exists but to use it is just... Let's just say he's now in the negative in term of reputation with the anti satan faction. As for the other kids ? Who cares about their opinions since he got black listed by the REAL players. But nevertheless, most were shocked and disgusted, especially since it was MY birthday and MY home.

Sairaorg : "Wait, I'm willing to pay for him. The whole thing started because of me in the first place."

Alexander : "AHAHAH, aren't you the honourable one Sairaorg ? Don't worry, It's my problem now. So tell me OH ASTAROTH HEIR, what do you require as tribute ?"

Diodora : "I'll take the maid that follows you. I noted she's a powerful magician but as yet to be reincarnated as a devil. Give her to me and I'll forget your insult toward your betters."

And just like that instead of pity and disgust I could now feel jealousy and greed from the adult devils. Really disgusting.

As for my mood ? It didn't really change. I couldn't be any less concern for a very simple reason that everyone seemed to have forgotten. A reason that would hurt him very soon.

Alexander : "You know what Diorora ?" I said with an extremely cold voice "You really are the perfect target for face slapping."

Diodora : "What are you talking abo..."

