The phenex are here

Zeoticus : "Ladies and gentlemen, I have a great news to share with you tonight. As many of you may already know, house Gremory and house Phenex have been great allies and friends since the very beginning of the underworld."

At that he lifted his glass toward another man, who I guessed was lord Phenex, who came to stand next to him. And already guessing what this was about, I took my phone and prepared myself.

"And it his with great joy that I want to share with you that from now on, our ties will not only be of friendship, but of family. My heir and daughter, Rias Gremory, has been betrothed to the third son of lord Phenex, Riser Phenex ! Please give a round of applause for the future couple." He said with a big smile.

"Come here both of you."

*Snap* *Snap* *Snap*

I had to contain my laughter seeing Rias face change expression so much. It was varying between bewilderment, shock, furry, rage, betrayal, deny.

*Snap* *Snap*


Alexander : "Sorry dear sister, I though it was a good idea to take some photos, you know, for posterity. Come on, don't waste time with me, go to your fiance ! Aren't you happy ?"

I have to admit that it was hard to restrain the taunting tone while speaking. But it was worth it since she couldn't be angry with me.

It would also be the first time I would see the infamous Riser Phenex. Well, I say infamous but I had yet to find anything on him that would make him the beast he was portrayed to be in the anime. He was surprisingly tame, for a devil of course. From what I found out he fucked his queen and two of his peerage regularly but... That's it.

And honestly ? That was super tame, most adult lord have a harem. Brother is really not the norm but more the exception (or is it Grayfia the prevent him from having another wife ? Food for though).

Riser was a pretty boy with blond hair and a blue eyes He was nicely dressed and had a noble poise for his age. He was a year older than me at best. All in all, he didn't give a demon king vibe... Yet.

Seeing that Rias was still not moving, I decided to help, as any good brother would. I gently took her arm and guided her toward the slowly converging Phenex and Gremory family.

Alexander : "Excuse my sister Riser, she's just too happy and is in shock about this wonderful news. Uniting our family with marriage is really a cause for celebration and happy mood." I told him trying to make a good impression.

After all, his family is rich, influential, and is the ONLY one able to procure phoenix tears, the only healing item known to work on devil (at that point in time at least). Did I mention they're rich ? Because they are disgustingly rich. Important things need to be mentioned three times after all. If I wanted my business to flourish in the future I knew that with their help it would be much easier, whatever the business.

Lord Phenex : "It is good you are so enthusiast with the choice of your sister's fiance Alexander-kun. Support from family can be very helpful in creating an harmonious relationship for the future married." he said smiling.

The poor dude had no idea the shitstorm his family was going to be threw into. And support ? Look around man, my brother looked like he wanted to kill your son. And wait for Rias to react, knowing her like I do, I already knew she was going to do or say something dumb.

Riser : "It's good that she understands how outstanding Riser is. Riser is also pleased with who lord father decided to be Riser's future wife. Riser heard that Rias was very pretty but the rumours clearly did not do her justice, but Riser understands this since Riser doesn't think a word that could describe the level of her beauty exists."

Smooth ! Though I also remember wondering why he was using his name when talking about him. That was just weird.

Alexander : "Greeting gorgeous little lady. If I'm not wrong you are the fourth child of lord Phenex, Ravel Phenex right ? Do you know why your brother speaks of him this way ?" I whispered to the cute little Phenex child that was staying next to her mother.

Ravel : "Humph, I'm not talking to you. Lord father said you are a failure. And Onii-chan talks normally since he's a prince !"

Well, what did I expect from an eight years old bro-con with a prince charming complex ?

That's also the moment Rias decided to wake up and say something worthy of her :

Rias : "WAIT ! I never accepted this ! Why haven't you asked for my opinion father ? I don't want to marry him, I don't even know him ! I want to marry for love, not to please some leering blond idiot or to satisfy a stupid alliance with a lower house. I mean, have you heard him ? He speaks like an idiot !" She almost shouted to our face.


Wow, just wow. That's what I though the moment I heard her. In just one sentence she insulted Riser, his house, and humiliated father by contradicting him in front of half the nobility of the underworld. I don't think I could have done better, especially considering she didn't even do it voluntarily. No wonder Riser did everything he could to annoy her in the show.

Father and lord Phenex were stunned, they had yet understand the situation to be angry. The little spitfire that was Ravel was quicker to react though.

Ravel : "How dare you ! Onii-sama is the best, and he even praised you. And my house is not lower, we're super rich ! Lord father even said we're so rich he could buy a palace made of gold."

Rias : "Who do you th..."

Venelana : "Rias, silence. Maybe we could take this discussion somewhere else ? Rias is clearly in shock over this wonderful news and doesn't know how to react."