After that I went back home like everything was normal.
For the next few days, I studied the pieces intensely.
It is a very complex piece of work. Surprisingly, it is more a piece of programming inside a weird corrupted crystal than an actual alchemical product with altering properties.
The basis of it is that the piece acts like an USB drive getting plugged into a computer (a body/soul) and launches itself irrelevant of the computer input. With an override command, it changes some parts of the OS. The problem is that you can't normally alter a body this much, a race change implies so much more than just physical changes. The mind itself is altered, things like instincts, group mindset, or survival needs changes. It implies that life value will also be impacted and thus, it is something that touch the soul.
And let me tell you that the soul is a touchy subject when you alter it so blatantly. It is so different from what I did to Celina that there is just no comparison.
All I did was 'give her more' but I never 'changed' who she is. Her soul is impacted, sure, but she is still... Her. Should I change her into a devil, she would find herself becoming more attracted (for lack of a better term) toward one of the seven sins, even if she would have never been impacted in her life (and the sin is more or less random). The 'pack mentality' would also change, for example she would be less bothered by the death of a human.
This is why, a devil piece MUST stay with the new devil, it acts as a folder for the modified OS so to say. The problem is that the original OS is altered to think of said folder as part of the original one, and since having several files with the same name is a bad thing, some of the original files are erased. Meaning if you take the piece back, the OS will be spamming 'missing file' error non stop. So imagine what happens when your body is looking for the 'heartbeat.exe', or 'breathing.exe' and finds nothing because new ones where created to take into account the reinforced heart and lungs and stored in the devil piece... That's right, you got it in one, death.
Once you take in that shit, it's permanent. And should someone find a way to alter the pieces at a distance, all reincarnated devil could die simultaneously.
I also discovered a lot of little bit of information that were never shared. Like the mutation part that was actually based on a mix of power/blood purity/sinful nature. There is also a kind of corruption system to make the user more and more devilish with time, improving him at the same time. I also noticed a kind of kill switch linked to the king life. It was not instant, but would change the person to become murder happy and delusional with time, not sure the thing was intentional. And the best/worse part depending on opinion ? A kind of enforced loyalty and need to please the king. It was a gradual process, but with time it would made the devil want to serve his master with all it had, and would prevent him from ignoring direct order.
I wonder if Grayfia knew about this went she became my brother's queen. A move to unsure she would not betray the new satans maybe ?
The global theory regarding the pieces is interesting though. While the 'programming language' used was extremely similar to what I saw in 'The System', it was more demonic, like a devil patched version so to speak. It also opened a whole lot of possibility as I hoped it would.
Imagine, keeping the bases of the system (improved of course), but changing the property of the object, and updating the language to match another race. With this we could create ANY race. I'm pretty sure I could recreate the nekomata if I wanted to.
I guess heaven would also find a way to retro engineer it too in the future, and that's how they made their own version with a deck of card.
It would also allow the dying pantheons to get some fresh blood. Some like the Greeks could die for all I cared, but I wanted to help Asgard since I liked them, especially Frigga.
So just for shit and giggle, I decided to secretly create a rune bracelet to reincarnate Valkyries. It would be a leather bracelet with 7 runic stones that could be detached.The bracelet would just be pretty, the important part would be the stones.
Now that I knew the material used just needed to be linked to the race and to be resilient enough to resist the pressure of the 'programming language' stored inside, I first sent Celina to gather stones around significant areas linked to Asgard. Next I gave her a simple mission, she was to meet Odin and ask him to bless the stones to be resilient. If he asked why, she was to tell him it would be a funny surprise (I expected her to be back in a few days). Using simple stones instead of a resilient and powerful material may look dumb, but don't dismiss divine blessings. These stuff are the real deal, and taking stones from Asgardian 'sacred land' would allow the blessing to become more powerful. And just like that, random stone would be able to store the 'program' and would be linked to Odin, meaning he would be the link to Asgard for the new Valkyries, so to speak.
It would maintain his grasp has the king and would allow him to take back the rune should he wish too since it would be HIS blessing on it. It was also to avoid some kind of power play or rebellion in the future.
Of course since I was creating the rune stones with the possibility of being taken back, I created a 'back up folder' with every files that would be needed to be changed. This way, the 'OS' could be restored with little problems. It will still be super uncomfortable, but survivable.
And just as I was waiting for Celina return to start 'coding' I was summoned to my father study.