The first part of the big plan

Azazel : "Is that really you ? I honestly thought that your name was more of a pseudonym. I always thought that trolls were too dumb to even learn to read and write."

Red Troll : "As far as I know, they are. I'm using illusion magic on me. I wouldn't want to give my identity just like that after all." I told then with a big grin.

Ajuka : "Aren't you afraid that we're simply going to attack you ? You proved well enough how dangerous and resourceful you can be. The simple fact you can use our blood without our knowledge is highly disturbing."

Red Troll : "YOU ? Hurting ME ? Pfff, we don't play in the same court losers. Come on, I'll give you a free shot." I was sooo waiting for this.

Azazel : "He's bluffing."

Ajuka : "You sure ? He did prove he could do weird things."

Azazel : "I'm willing to take the risk. More because I know he wouldn't bring us here just to kill us. At worst, it will be another win for him."

Ajuka : "Very well... On three"

Azazel : "THREE !"

When the both of them tried to even do something to me, they were suddenly on the floor spasming like tazed mortals.

Of course, their twitching face were immortalized and would become a nice meme :

"'Red troll' attack 'genius' with tazer, it's super effective"

I realized that the effect was really super effective, it took them an entire minute before they stopped spasming, and at least five minutes before they could get up.

Red Troll : "Soooooo, wanna try again ? I think I've got enough energy for another go."

Two pairs of death glare were pointing at me.

Ajuka : "*Sight* You are frustrating. What is this place anyway ?"

Red Troll : "This is 'The Red Troll's Cavern'. But you should know that since it should have been written on the door you used to come here. It's a pocket dimension situated in the dimensional gap attainable though the key you were gifted. Furthermore, no one can use violence in this place, or else they will suffer consequences, but you already know that by now. I intend to create more keys and send them to various individuals."

Azazel : "What's the catch ? And how will you decide who has access to this place ?"

Red Troll : "The catch ? Suffering the random pranks I will not fail to throw I suppose. Aside from that, nothing really. It's more of an idle project since I'm working on a very big thing right now that will change our world, and I needed a side project to relax.

As for who I'm going to invite... No real rules for now. You have someone in mind ?"

Ajuka : "depends... Would the individual have his blood stolen to blood bound the key ?"

Red Troll : "Depends. I'm not stealing a god's blood without his knowledge. That thing is too volatile and dangerous. But angels, fallens and devils ? No problem there."

Azazel : "Would you be alright to invite Tsukuyomi ?"

Red troll : "The Shintoism's moon god ? Why him ? I would've thought you would have preferred his sister Amaterasu, I heard she's a looker."

Azazel : "Because it is too good of an opportunity. Seeing as your spying method is incredibly powerful, I'm sure you already know this but I've been trying to initiate a peace treaty for decades. Having a neutral ground like this would be great to start working for this. And Tsukuyomi is more calm and more into diplomacy than his sister."

Red Troll : "While I didn't really create my bar exactly for this, as long as you spend some money on drinks, I don't mind what you do here. But why not someone from heaven then ? Like Michael or Gabriel ?"

Ajuka : "Because they want this too, but they will never be able to convince the rest of heaven. But if the Shinto faction start allying with the Grigori, and potentially more pantheon, heaven won't have a choice, and will HAVE to join the alliance. Same for the devils. In this regard, would you be OK to invite Serafall Leviathan ? I'm sure you would hit it off well with her."

Red Troll : "And she would be able to work on this treaty instead of you. What a lazy bum you are. What would the underworld say if they knew their satan couldn't care less about the peace. *Sob* I'm crying for them."

Azazel : "I completely understand you Ajuka, I would much prefer to work on my own project instead of having to prevent conflicts so often. By the way, you mentioned a project that would change the world... Do we need to get scared over that ?"

And I could see he wasn't really joking when asking, and Ajuka neither.

Red Troll : "Depends what you're scared of ? Honestly it's a work in progress. But it will impact every faction and pantheon, as well as the humans. It's going to change the world, hopefully for the better. At least if it doesn't work, I'll just cancel everything."

Ajuka : "Sounds ominous..."

Azazel : "Yeah..."

After looking at their piercing and judging gaze I decided to tell them a bit more.

Red Troll : "Alright alright, I'll tell you more... Geez. I intend to create a virtual reality world the size of earth that will include every supernatural factions under the guise of a human game named 'hidden world'. Inside the game everyone will have their real race. The point is to allow humans and supernatural a place to connect."

Azazel : "You want to reveal the supernatural to humans." He stated. And Ajuka was looking even more serious now.

Red troll : "No, I don't. I simply want the supernatural to be able to interact with humans inside a game. While I realize it won't stop various individual from considering human as something else than trash, it should mellow opinions." Well there was more to what I really want, but at the time, it was all I would say.

"Oh, did I forgot to mention the antagonist of the game will be the catholic church ? I just hate how they are slowly becoming more and more like some rabid dog killing any supernatural beings. That new genius exorcist Freed Sellzen is all the example I need. So what do you say ? Want to take part in this ?"

I saw the both of them looking at each other, and then I saw it, the mad glint of a genius that found something fun and crazy to work on. The moment I saw that, I knew they were in team Red Troll.

Azazel and Ajuka : "We're in !"