First Meeting

The news regarding the incident at the Countless Herb Hall was burning like wildfire in the forest and spread throughout the Capital at tremendous speed.

At the end of the day, this incident was known to the entire Capital in various versions. And it was beyond one's comprehension how quick this matter was spreading.

Especially people from the Cheng family who were sent out to intercept the people who knew of this matter to stop it from spreading further found it hard to believe this fact.

Within an hour whole capital seemed to know of this incident. Now that it was the case, were they going to kidnap any random passerby?

Some were speculating about the ways the rising Cheng family was going to meet its untimely demise.

While some were discussing Cheng Li Juan who had such a mighty fall from the altar of fame.

However, regardless of various rumours and speculations, most people had one single thought in their mind that Cheng's family was going to suffer in the future.

By the time Jiang Ying Yue's group returned home it was about to turn dusk and the incident in herb hall had long blown up throughout the capital. So, they didn't face any persecution from Cheng Li Juan or Cheng's family on their way home.

When they stepped into the main hall they were immediately greeted by a stern-looking face of madam Nangong and an endless nagging.

"Where did you go today? You didn't even inform me before leaving. You clearly know you haven't completely recovered yet you went out and didn't return for the whole day."

After her incessant rant to her eldest daughter, she turned to the younger one who was hiding behind her sister to avoid their mother's piercing gaze.

"And you, Jiang Ying Mei haven't I told you to look after your elder sister and don't let her escape your sight, you know how careless she is. What If her condition worsens again?"

Jiang Ying Mei found their mother's worry reasonable and felt very guilty for not taking good care of her sister.

Feeling guilty Jiang Ying Mei lowered her head and played wait for her fingers.

Madam Nangong went on scolding the sisters in turn after which she also rebuked the two maids for their carelessness.

As the four figures stood in the hall and got scolded by madam Jiang their tummies started rumbling in protest.

Hearing the sudden noise madam Nangong halted at once and her expression immediately softened at the thought of her daughters being hungry," Did you not eat anything outside? Uh, you-two- make me so worried. Come inside, let's go and eat something."

Madam Nangong immediately ordered the servants to heat the dishes and serve them.

As the three entered the dining where the maids were placing the utensils and dishes Jiang Ying Yue's gaze drifted to the three sets of utensils placed on the table.

Jiang Ying Yue turned to her mother with a questioning gaze, "You haven't eaten?"

"How can I eat when both my daughters haven't returned home for a meal?" Madam Nangong gestured for her two daughters to sit and eat their meals.

Jiang Ying Yue felt guilty hearing her mother's words and didn't continue asking.

The three people quietly ate throughout their meal and only the sounds of utensils and chewing could be heard in the dining hall.

After filling her stomach Jiang Ying Yue stood up to head towards her courtyard to rest.

However, before leaving she couldn't help but say in a concerned voice," From now on you shouldn't wait for us; it's not good for your health. You should eat your meals on time."

Hearing her daughter's concern a smile bloomed on madam Nangong's face but she didn't say anything and caressed Jiang Ying Yue's head gently showing her unending love and care for her daughter.

Jiang Ying Yue understood her meaning from this gesture.

Since their mother wasn't going to change her ways, so she had to make sure to return home on time to prevent their mother from starving herself from now on.

Coming out of the dining hall Jiang Ying Yue headed towards her courtyard.

"Master-, let's hurry with your detoxification so that you can start cultivating as early as possible."

Jiang Ying Yue heard Abhram's excited voice as she continued to walk towards her courtyard and responded lazily.

"There's no need to rush."

"Master-how-can- you say that? Didn't you see today how many people are after you? If you continue like this you wouldn't even know how you lost your life someday." Abhram continued to pester his master seeing her lazy attitude


"Hey brat, are you cursing me to die?"

Hearing his master's stern voice Abhram immediately jumped to explain,"

No-master….It's not- like that. I-was-just-"


Abhram looked at his master whose expression had turned grave all of a sudden.

Jiang Ying Yue paused on her steps and sniffed the air.

A Cool, refreshing evening breeze was blowing in the surroundings. However, it carried a slightly metallic stench of blood with it that was very hard to detect. But sharp as Jiang Ying Yue's senses were how could she not perceive this smell.

Sniffing the air Jiang Ying Yue adeptly locked the direction in which the smell came from.

With light yet steady steps she moved in that direction swiftly while keeping a watch on her surroundings.

As she moved closer she arrived near a plum tree garden right beside her courtyard.

Noticing the bloody stench growing stronger as she walked forward, Jiang Ying Yue increased her pace.

As she walked into the garden she picked up a small rock on her way. With her light footsteps she slowly approached a tree and as expected the bloody smell grew stronger in seconds.

The surroundings were eerily quiet as she carried on her inspection, besides the occasional noise of soft wind blowing away the fallen branches and leaves on the ground there was no other noise.

However, it didn't seem to affect her calm state of mind. Even, in such a creepy scenario she was unusually calm and collected when even a brave man couldn't help losing a bit of his composure.

"Master, let's just leave…Alright? It's quite creepy."

Abhram whispered meekly finding the situation creepy.

"Huh? Didn't you want me to rule the world? Why are you scared now?" Jiang Ying Yue teased him mercilessly.

As she neared the tree she clasped the rock tightly in her hands, prepared to retaliate when attacked.


With a swift turn,n she went behind the tree, her senses on full alert mode.

However, what greeted her was not an initially imagined lethal attack but a corpse lying on the ground.

The corpse was dressed in complete black with a silver mask held on a high nose bridge exposing a well-defined chin, with tall stature and slightly muscular built and dark long hairs that were lightly scattered on its face was slightly reclining on the tree with one hand placed on its abdomen and tightly shut eyes.

Jiang Ying Yue threw the man a bewildered gaze.

How did this man come and die here?

Moving closer she lifted her hands to check his breathing.

However, just as she moved her hand closer to his face in an instant a force grasped her wrist.

Looking down at her wrist she realized it was held tightly by the man whom she called a corpse a few seconds ago.

Struck by realization, she looked up abruptly to meet deadly cold, dark eyes that were darker than night and full of hostility.

"Hey, you should let go of my hand. It hurts a bit." Said Jiang Ying Yue while changing her half-squatting position to full-squatting, sitting there in a relaxed manner.


Abhram whose heart was leaping in his chest almost lost his footing hearing his master's words. He was speechless.

What's wrong with her?!

Did she turn muddle-headed from fear?

Why was she so calm and casual even in such a dire situation?

Couldn't she just shake off his hand and run for her life?

Why would she squat there in such a dangerous situation?

Even after using all of his brains Abhram couldn't fathom the mystery behind his master's calmness.

Maybe he was born a coward or maybe countless dull and peaceful years that he had spent inside Brahma World had turned him into cowardly, no matter what the reason was he couldn't remember it at all. Now all he could think was that this man gave him shivers and his master was a lunatic to not recognise this impending danger.

Poor Abhram shivered and hurriedly warned his master, trying his best not to stutter, "Master, run! He…he is very dangerous! Master, run!"

Hearing Abhram's stiff voice Jiang Ying Yue was only a bit surprised and didn't show other emotions, "It's fine, Baby dumpling."

Abhram had an incredulous look on his face not understanding his master's thoughts at all. However, the child couldn't be blamed for his master being a weirdo to the extreme.

How could he know about his master's unusual hobby of dealing in multiple sectors and playing different roles?

Her master's days were mostly spent juggling her various part-time jobs besides eating.

If one season she was experimenting in a medical institute to bring a breakthrough in the medical world, then another season she would run off to borders to deal with a bunch of international criminals.

The whole year she dabbled in almost every field when she found something interesting.

However, no matter which field she stepped onto her works were always top-notch and awe-inspiring to the mass.

In every sector, there was no lack of people who admired her as their goddess.

So, it was only reasonable for a person who had dealt with countless criminals and gangsters and even worked in laboratories to produce a batch of missiles as her past time to remain calm and collected under such circumstances.

Besides this, her confidence in herself was also the other reason why she had always been so calm when facing any trouble.