Jiang Ying Yue enraged


Qian Shan was defeated.

He was trembling with rage as his eyes overflowed with malicious intent.

When had been humiliated to this extent?

And also by a puny character like her.

He couldn't take this lying down!

Qian Shan felt that if he didn't teach that impudent brat a lesson he would lose all his face.

Didn't that fledgeling question his manhood, again and again, then he would show her what a real man was.

" You are a dead meat!"

With that, Qian Shan jumped forward in the direction where Jiang Ying Yue was standing.

Like an angry with flaring nostrils, he shot toward her direction ready to attack.

Tian Lan's face turned pale when she saw this.

She knew Qian Shan's strength. With how enraged he was it would be very difficult for that delicate young boy to keep his life.

The crowd also couldn't react in time as this happened within a matter of seconds.

They could only stand and watch in pity.

Qian Shan's huge big-knuckled fist was moving for Jiang Ying Yue's delicate at an astonishing speed.

However, before it could land it was caught by a beautiful hand.

Jiang Ying Yue's left hand was wrapped tightly around Qian Shan's wrist creating a stark contrast as she effortlessly twisted it.

" Aaaaaahh!..."

A piercing, painful scream escaped from Qian Shan's mouth as he wiggled to free his hand.

Nevertheless, all his effort was useless as Jiang Ying Yue increased her force and gave another twist making Qian Shan scream even louder.

And it went on.

As long as Qian Shan moved Jiang Yue would twist his wrist even harder.

It was so painful that wished to die!

The crowd was stupefied when they saw this.

Was that delicate-looking boy that powerful?

Tian Lan and the other two girls were also starting at Jiang Ying Yue with their shining eyes.

However, Jiang Ying Yue ignored all their gazes as she glanced at Qian Shan while humming a soft tune. A small smile lingered on her lips.

As she hummed the fingers of the other hand which was tucked behind her back danced in the air. It looked like she was playing a tune on a piano.

Her fingers were delicate and beautiful making her action appear ethereal and captivating.

However, to those who knew this Jiang Ying Yue was a call from hell.

Whenever she did this it meant that she was completely enraged.

And there was no turning back for her opponent.

" Do you know what kind of people I hate the most?.. Hmm?" Jiang Ying Yue started softly appearing carefree and casual completely contradicting her current cruel action.

Jiang Ying Yue waited for Qian Shan's response.

Qian Shan was wailing in pain. He was in no state to respond to all that blabbering, however, it didn't dampen her mood.

" Hmm.....you don't know. Alright, then I'll tell you." Jiang Ying Yue smiled appearing to be in an exceptionally good mood, " I hate three kinds of people the most--the first kind are the people who dare to hurt my close and dear ones, second are the people who dare to threaten me...and the third kind and the last kind are the people....like....you...who dare to lay a finger on my face. I hate them, I hate them all!"

With that Jiang Ying Yue gave a charming smile, however, it sent a chill through Qian Shan's heart and to whoever saw it.

She was like a devil smiling from hell.

So dark and so terrifying.

" Didn't you use this hand on me?...Hmm?.....I think you don't need to keep it anymore." Her tone was light but her words were cruel.

No sooner after she said this noise of breaking bones could be heard.

Qian Shan's face was deathly pale as he screamed like a slaughtered pig.

From his shoulder to his fingertips not a single bone was left intact.

His hand lay limply to the side as Jiang Ying Yue flung it back to him.

After which she took a few steps back while taking out a handkerchief from somewhere to wipe her hand and threw it on Qian Shan.

" Remember, this is the first time so I am leaving you at this. If I see you next time running around so wildly in my presence you won't be leaving so easily." Jiang Ying Yue warned coldly.

Lou Cuifen also shivered as she glanced at the rolling figure of Qian Shan on the ground whose face was covered in tears and snot.

She felt disgusted and terrified at the same time.

As the one who cared about her face the most Lou Cuifen decided to leave not willing to give him another glance.

Previously, she had been enduring her disgust and remained entangled with Qian Shan because he was her best choice.

Qian Shan was a cultivator of Initial Martial Orange rank.

At his age, he could not be considered a rare genius like Jiang Ying Yue among his peers he was still considered pretty good.

Plus, he also had a good family background.

So, Lou Cuifen decided to stick to him but now that he had lost all his face there was no need to continue.

She didn't want to accompany Qian Shan as the laughingstock of their academy. It was better for them to break up.

Lou Cuifen ran away, and Qian Shan was rolling on the ground.

Those who accompanied the two were at a loss what to do.

They glanced at Qian Shan's tear and snot-smeared face and hesitated whether to carry him back or not.

The crowd started to disperse after the show ended and Jiang Ying Yue decided to leave.

She was anxious inside.

By now, her mother would have found out about her disappearance she couldn't linger any longer. Otherwise, she would have a hard time when she returned home.

" Big sister, you should solve your matter. I'll leave first." With that Jiang Ying Yue hurried home not bothering to hear Tian Lan's response.

With her quick steps, she disappeared among the crowd.

Tian Lan who couldn't even react in time stared dumbly at his back and sighed deeply.

After which she remembered she still had someone to deal with and turned to look at Tan Bo, " Tan Bo, you disappoint me. Since you decided to do this to us then you should just leave. From now on we are no longer related."

Tian Lan's tone was very resolute she didn't want such ingrate people taking advantage of their sincerity and kindness.

It was better to stay far from them.

And she believed her seniors would choose to do the same.

There was no need for such people in their team. Their presence would only be a burden and bring them many unwanted dangers.

After all, Beast Heaven Mountain wasn't some random place. It was a dangerous place packed with spirit beasts, the slightest mistake and you would lose your life.

Seeing her behaviour Tan Bo was extremely dissatisfied as he scoffed and left, " Hmm!.. As if I want to stay."