Mortal Enemies

This group of unfeeling people was quite loud when making fun of this loving snake couple. So loud that even when they stood quite a distance from the carriages, the people inside the carriages could still hear them.

Xiao Tingfei's face turned dark and gloomy while Bai Ya's beautiful face flushed red. It was unknown whether it was embarrassment or rage.

The gloomy couple turned to look in the direction where the voice came from with their droopy eyes, and sure enough, they saw some familiar faces.

'Ah..ha, wasn't this his arch enemy Tian Shan and his lackeys?'

'Yes, the Tian Shan from the Bright Sun academy.'

'Yes, it was the Tian Shan who hung out with a few of his weak lackeys, all day long going about righteousness and helping the weak.'

'Yes, the Tian Shan who he, the revered crown prince of Burning Phoenix nation couldn't defeat.'

It was only this person other than Jiang Ying Yue that could make Xiao Tingfei, the crown prince of the Burning Phoenix nation, gnash his teeth in hatred.

...Yes, just gnashing teeth because... he didn't dare to do anything else.

But, now.....everything was different. Yes, everything was going to change from here on.

This time he would return all the humiliation he had received in the past....with interest.

Sparks flew in the air and imaginary thunder roared in the sky as the two parties made eye contact.

There was a cease of laughter and the time seemed to have frozen.

Xiao Tingfei: 'You are finished!' Donning a provocative smile.

Tian Shan: ' Hmm! Who's scared of you?' Donning his usual sunny smile.

Jiang Ying Yue, who finally managed to remove that damned hand covering her eyes happened to come across this scene and was stunned for a moment before a sigh escaped her mouth.

Damn it! What's wrong with her?!

Jiang Ying Yue wanted to slap herself to death.

All this time she had been behaving like a harmless lamb joining the herd to graze on the pasture that extended far and wide. Mingling in the herd she tried to minimize her unique existence as much as possible.

But look what happened!

She always had this thought that something must be wrong with her body. Because no matter wherever she went and whatever she did she would always end up attracting all kinds of trouble for herself.

Her body was like some kind of magnet specializing in attracting trouble with every turn she took. So, she decided to stay low and followed these people. After all, she wanted to live. It wasn't easy for her...

But, look what happened now?....

Trouble didn't come looking for her this time instead she went looking for trouble.


She, a person with a good temper got so annoyed just looking at these two people's faces. So angry that she couldn't help but ridicule these two cheap people and that was also pretty loud enough.

What was going on?!...

This wasn't like her at all, not a bit!

Why was she behaving like the previous Jiang Ying Yue?

Yes, must be because of that damned hot-tempered owner of her current body.

In the past when she was alive whenever she got angry she beat people up to vent her anger.

But, now that damned hot-tempered brat was dead, she was still using her poisonous tongue in this way.

This..... was so unfair.

This poisonous tongue was her weapon of mass destruction, how could that dead girl use it without her permission?

If she was dead just stay dead. Why was she causing her so much trouble?!

It wasn't like she owed her something, she was clearly conned into coming here, alright?

" Well, well... who's here." Xiao Tingfei's pretentious tone was laced with mockery and also some gloating, " Young master Tian Shan, long time no see. I hope you are doing well--the journey must have been quite tiring, right?"

Hearing Xiao Tingfei's mocking words Jiang Ying Yue seemed to realize something.

'Why did it seem like there was some kind of rivalry between these two?'

She frowned deeply, feeling helpless for having such rotten luck, as she heard Tian Shan respond.

" Your highness, you are being too kind. The journey was a bit tiring but it was alright...after all, I've got a sturdy body from years of training, but it must be hard on his highness' jade body which has been carefully brought up within the palace." Tian Shan was still smiling but Xiao Tingfei's smile began to crack the more heard.

'This.....this..bastard was indirectly calling him weak and sissy wasn't he?!'

There was another round of peal of laughter soon after that.

Xiao Tingfei was fuming mad, almost smoke coming out of his both ears.

Damn it! He must seek revenge!

Let's see who's going to have the final laugh...

With this thought, an evil grin appeared on Xiao Tingfei's face as he snorted disdainfully, " Hmph! Laugh as much as you want. Because you won't be able to after today..."

After saying this Xiao Tingfei directed his gaze toward the carriages at the back of the convoy.

The people inside the carriage were getting off the carriage one after one as if receiving his signal.

Jiang Ying Yue felt a hunch as her gaze turned in that direction. Her loyal servant also followed her and peered curiously.

Tian Shan and the rest didn't understand what that idiot of a crown prince was playing at, but still followed the direction of his gaze.

And what came after this really....shocked them.

Tian Shan and the other three who were the original member of their team felt a chill in their hearts when they saw their brothers who accompanied them for years coming down of that luxurious carriages., this was the reason for their retreat.

So, this was the reason they lied to their brothers. Huh!....

To join the enemy camp.

Yes, enemy!

Everyone who studied at the Bright Sun academy for at least would come to know that Xiao Tingfei and Tian Shan were mortal enemies.

Tian Shan couldn't remember when things turned out like this between them. But he knew at the beginning it was Xiao Tingfei who kept thinking this way.

Xiao Tingfei would obstruct him at every turn, and ridicule him and his team member openly as well as behind his back. But still Tian Shan didn't take this to heart because he knew that Xiao Tingfei was jealous. After all, he couldn't defeat him as he was better than him.

So, let him be thinking one day Xiao Tingfei would get tired of it and stop messing with him but who would know.....

This person was too cruel!

Xiao Tingfei sent assassins to assassinate him when he was out on a mission to earn points.

Thankfully, he didn't come from an ordinary family, and his background wasn't simple. There were always guards secretly protecting him everywhere he went. It's just that they were top experts and hid themselves well and would only come out when he was in danger.

So, after that failed assassination attempt the one-sided enmity turned into mutual.

Since Xiao Tingfei hated him so much so it was only right for him to reciprocate this hatred.