Rules Of Lan Quan (edited)

" Hey...hey, where you running to?!" Tian Shan grabbed Tian Lan's sleeves who was about to take her flight to battle.

To which Tian Lan responded with a snort, " teach bastards a good lesson. Xiao You, that kid's only wasting his time trying to reason with these fools."

" Lanlan, don't be impulsive!" Tian Shan couldn't help but warn her in a low and stern voice. His face was grave, he could see that the situation was not in their favour.

If it was just Xiao Tingfei and his people Tian Shan wouldn't have so many qualms facing them.

However, they were currently standing in Lan Quan. This was not a place to mess around randomly. They had behaved much restrained and cautious lest a provoke a disaster for themselves.

So, for now, he just wanted to watch and wait. He couldn't let hot-headed Tian Lan worsen their situation.

Besides, Tian Shan felt that boy Xiao You wasn't the impulsive kind. Although they didn't have much interaction with each other during this short period still he could somewhat guess his temperament. The boy looked very easygoing and carefree but he had a mature temperament.

And even now the boy was holding tightly onto his rational mind despite countless provocations.

Even when he vented his anger he vented it rationally. The person he kicked clearly had nothing to do with Lan Quan. His action was justifiable; he wasn't breaking any rule.

"Fourth Brother, we can't just stand here and listen to their nonsense, right? If you ask me to do that then I apologise--" Tian Lan's eyes flushed red, she seemed stimulated for some reason. She was about to break out roaring loudly when Xiang Qingling cut her off.

" Huh...Lanlan, listen to your brother this time. Nothing good will come out of your rashness."

Yuan Fang didn't say anything but he also agreed with the other two. While Qin Xia and Hu Meilin, the two juniors who were poached by Tian Lan didn't know whom to follow.

Tian Lan couldn't stand this anymore and finally pointed and continued, " If you are worried that I would cause trouble if I get into a fight then that's useless already. Look! Xiao You had already knocked that guy over there...look it seems he's already dead or...maybe....paralyzed."

After which she squinted her eyes as if trying to see if that man was moving or was really dead, " Oh...he's not moving at all. That's it! It's settled then let's fight! Anyway, we already made a mess, there's nothing to fear."


Hearing her reason the other three gave her a blank look, they were speechless.

So, all along her reason for wanting to create trouble was they were already in trouble. Now less or more didn't matter.

'Why don't say plainly you just wanted to beat that b*tchy couple?'

'Can't they see her eyes were clearly aimed at Xiao Tingfei and Bai Ya?'

"Eh?..What?.." Being stared at like that Tian Lan's agitated self paused hesitantly.

" Tian Lan, you fool....oh, not should be blind." It was Tian Shan couldn't bear to see her acting stupid and finally broke the silence, " Lanlan, did you not see who's that guy?" Tian Shan pointed with his chin towards the man who was lying motionless beside Xiao Tingfei's flashy carriage like a corpse.

Tian Lan had a perplexed look as she responded subconsciously, " No..."

" That's Deng Quan...Deng Quan, that guy who betrayed us and boarded Xiao Tingfei's ship." Tian Shan was exasperated yet somewhat amused as he pointed this out to his cousin. His mouth twitched when he saw a lump of a human lying on the ground motionless pretending to be dead maybe.

Was Xiao You's kick that strong?

It shouldn't be, right?

Deng Quan, such a big guy was just knocked like that. It was hard to believe.

Tian Shan had some doubts in his heart.

Only then did Tian Lan finally understand the situation and she gave a look that said 'oh, no wonder.

Though it was known that Lan Quan was a free domain and one could do anything they liked unless they commit murder.

However, even with that rule, there was rarely anyone who dared to fight or cause trouble in Lan Quan. Thus, resulting in this small town's unusual peacefulness.

The reason for this occurrence was another unsaid rule which was rarely mentioned but strictly followed.

The rule was--" No one from the outside world was to lay their hands on the resident of Lan Quan unless extremely provoked and the residents of Lan Quan also were not allowed to fight the outsiders who came as travellers or seeking shelter in their city unless they had no other choice." It was a rule that was followed to maintain the harmony among the insiders and outsiders and the peace of this small town.

And if anyone was found to break this rule they would be judged by the guardians and punished.

So, because of this those who came from outside didn't dare to act recklessly as they did on the other part of the continent.

What if they fought someone and they turned out to be from Lan Quan?

There was no telling, after all, that many outsiders would come and settle in Lan Quan regardless of any season and reason.

Just because they fell in love with this place.

...And as soon as they settled they were regarded as a proud citizen of Lan Quan....people of Lan Quan were sure very welcoming!

So, just think about beating someone who just happened to come to settle down in Lan Quan because you thought--' Hey this guy doesn't look local, there would be no problem if I played a bit with him, right?'

Won't you be looking for death?

Such cases were seen quite frequently in the past. And that these hot-headed cultivators, who were always looking forward to fighting were forced to learn how to be more civil.

...As for the people of Lan Quan they were mostly peace-loving and very welcoming by nature. They hardly fought even among each other, although sometimes they sparred for fun that was all. And even if they wanted they were strictly monitored by the people who were guarding Lan Quan.

And that was why, when Tian Lan realized the one who got kicked was Deng Quan she gave up the idea of intervening for now.

However, her expression was still unpleasant.

She was waiting on the side with her hands clenched. She was working very hard to suppress her desire to rush forward. As stood there she suddenly remembered the first day she met the boy. That day he looked so terrifying and murderous just like today.

Was there going to be another show?

Tian Lan felt a shiver.

Right, how could she forget this?

Oh no, she really forgot this!

That day she was so upset that she even forgot to mention this to her seniors. After that, she was busy preparing for the trip she didn't have any chance to tell them. She just mentioned that there would be new members joining them and nothing else.

Now it was over!....

Her brother was going to kill her if he knew that she brought back such a character.