
Abhram who had been scared silly and was trying to mind his business also happened to hear the ruckus outside. He blinked his adorable eyes frowning and thinking who was seeking death again.

Thinking to take a look, the little boy slowly stretched his consciousness. His consciousness kept stretching until it hovered around the hall.

The boy sat there on the green lush yard with his stubby legs folded, his both hands pasted to his fleshy cheeks prepared to watch another show. And it had to be said he was enjoying it pretty well while from time to time pointing his little finger; swearing at the people who dared to scold his lazy master.

" Ah!... It's really you!"

A sudden milky voice filled with elation and surprise rang beside the toddler's ear whose focus was entirely fixed on the show and stunned him for a moment.

After being stunned for a moment Abhram rushed to look for the source of the voice. He didn't doubt he was mistaken and he was very sure he had really heard it.

It was that familiar voice.

How could he make mistake?!

He had been looking for her all these years and now he found her here of all places.

Abhram was restless.

The owner of the voice seemed to have felt his restlessness as she explained softly, " Cai, you won't find me, the place where I am staying conceals my presence completely so nobody can find me. You follow my voice; I'll lead you here."

Almost instantaneously Abhram stuffed his unconscious master into the space and ran after the voice without giving it a single thought.

Through his actions, one could see how important this person was to Abhram that he didn't even fear it is a trap.

Although he wasn't strong enough Abhram had enough strength to teleport with his master when the need arises, however, his master, Jiang Ying Yue, who evaded trouble as one evaded scorpions and snakes never knew of this. If she did she would have always asked Abhram to use it to let her escape whenever she encountered those trouble-stirring entities. And that was also the reason why the little boy felt it was better for him to keep it secret.

" Cai, you are finally here." A small figure suddenly appeared inside the space out of nowhere.

When Abhram saw the person he was searching for he gave smile which looked a bit lonely and sad, " Azure, how have you been? It's been ages since we last saw each other."

A baby girl who looked about three, garbed in complete turquoise blue with long black hair scattered over tiny shoulders and a transparent turquoise blue gem dangling on her forehead stood there. She looked like a carved jade doll just like Abhram.

Azure returned the same sort of smile that Abhram showed earlier and said sadly, " Hmm....more than ten thousand years...." After which she paused and looked around her eyes evidently searching for something, " Where are others, have you not found them?"

Hearing this question Abhram finally showed his typical smug smile, " Nah...they are all here, I have found them all. It was only you who was missing. Who would have known you would be here? You know, how much I dreaded this place." However, towards the end, his smile vanished and his voice turned into whispers.

Puzzled by his response Azure continued inquiring further, "....then what happened, how did you end you coming back here? and what about the others?..... they must have been unwilling to come back too."

Azure wasn't exaggerating they had many painful and terrible memories linked to this continent that none of them wanted to remember again.

" It wasn't up to me...sigh." Abhram gave low sigh as he continued, " Time has changed. We are no longer the only Guardians of this space. Brahma has gained its autonomy; it's no longer restricted by us. It was the one who chose our master and also the one who brought us here. "

Azure gasped in shock and muttered still looking in disbelief, " How can it be like that? it because of what we did back then?"

Looking that Azure had guessed the reason at once Abhram nodded solemnly, " are right. It is because of what we did back then, it was our punishment."

Azure let out a sigh of resignation when she heard her guess was right and turned to comfort Abhram, " It's alright, I think this way is better. After all, we didn't manage to do any good when choosing a master before. Let fate steer the course this time and not meddle in this matter anymore."

" These are also my thoughts."

After having their small chat Azure finally got the chance to look for their new master, " Cai, where's our master?"

" She's over there." Abhram pointed his small finger toward the back mountain where he had dumped his master when rushed to look for Azure.

The dolls trotted and soon arrived at the place where Jiang Ying Yue lay on the grass near a clear stream of Moon spring.

" That's Moon spring." Azure almost skipped in excitement, however, her happy steps halted in the mid-way realizing something. She immediately tilted her head and asked, Abhram, " She hasn't woken up yet, has she?"

Abhram shook his head although he knew this answer would disappoint Azure he couldn't bear lying to her, " All of them are all asleep and to be honest I haven't even seen them since then just like you. It was Brahma who gathered them for me and I only knew they were here."

Azure's excitement dropped by half and she looked sad as she muttered trying to console herself, " It's fine as long as we are here together, someday we will meet again. It's good news."

Nevertheless, her slightly flushed eyes showed her deep longing for her friends.

Wiping her eyes hurriedly Azure turned to peer at the girl who was lying unconscious and still before them, " So, this our master....she's beautiful."

The little girl extended her stubby arms and poked at their master's cheeks and giggled softly, " It's so soft. I like her."

Azure's dim eyes sparkled once again as she looked very satisfied with this master.

Abhram: "...."

Abhram looked at the fool who just gave a poke and ended up liking Jiang Ying Yue just because she was soft and very good-looking.

No wonder Brahma kicked them out of the office.

They were all unreliable bunch. And that was the reason they ended up making such a big mistake back then.