Grand Master

" Master, this isn't an earthquake, this is all your Wei's doing." Abhram pointed out.

" Huh?...that guy is that powerful." Jiang Ying Yue couldn't help but exclaim while marveling at her Wei's handiwork.

" Master, call him, otherwise he's going to turn this place upside down." urged Azure.

" Alright....I'll head inside....."

" No, master, don't go inside. Call him here." Abhram cut her midway stopping her from going inside.

" Why?...." Jiang Ying Yue frowned not understanding what the boy meant.

" Master, don't ask why....just look at that shaking inn, do you think you'd be able to go inside? My head is already buzzing just looking at it from here." Abhram had a look of horror just from the thought of going inside. He didn't want his master to experience such torment when she wasn't even completely healed.

" Then how do you want me to call him outside?....remember we have no phone here." Jiang Ying Yue looked at him curiously, she knew the boy was hiding many secrets from her.

Under his master's scrutiny-filled gaze Abhram blushed slightly. He knew he got himself caught and couldn't hide his secrets anymore, especially those secrets that would make his master's life more interesting and easier.

" Master, use the technique I used to communicate with Azure." Abhram then patiently taught Jiang Ying Yue the Acranium communication method.

Acranium communication was a part of a set of divine skills called ' Divine Acraniun', a method of communication using brain waves. It was complex and extremely difficult to master. It requires the user to have a strong mental forte and exceptionally keen senses. And fortunately, Jiang Ying Yue had all of them. So, Abhram had been thinking of teaching it to her for a while trying to see how worthy she was. And that he taught her he realized Brahma was indeed wise in choosing her, she was far more talented than that person.

" Master, remember with your level you can only send messages in a short range of distance. If you want to advance you must strengthen and cultivate your mental energy. That means you need to learn Alchemy as soon as possible." Abhram said his instruction and moved to the side to sit with Azure and watch another round of drama.

Jiang Ying Yue took everything that she had heard and tried to follow the instructions correctly and managed to pull off just on her first try. She was a rare talent. Although it was the lowest acranium skill it wasn't as easy as it looked when Jiang Ying Yue neatly duplicated it.

Both the babies inside Brahma tilted their heads looking into each other, their eyes showing the same appreciation for their master.

Wei who looked raged enough to destroy the entire city paused mid-way and tilted his slightly to the side as if trying hard to listen to something.

The house that shaking furiously seemed to have come to a sudden halt along him. It didn't take a while all the people inside scrambled to their feet and ran for their lives, the inn mates came out of their room looking disheveled and dizzy. The hall reeked of a strange sour smell as flock after flock made their escape. They didn't even bother changing their clothes. They couldn't wait for a second to go out under the open sky and breath fresh air.

The people here today had suffered serious trauma so much so that from now they'd avoid staying indoors.

" Wei, you didn't take long." Jiang Ying Yue looked at the culprit and smiled knowingly, " Where are the others? "

" Outside." His answer was short. When he was looking for the girl he asked them to wait outside for him.

" looks like they were also tormented by you." Jiang Ying Yue's face still held a smile and Wei couldn't guess what she meant.

Was she angry?....

Wei couldn't help but explain, " Forgive me..... I couldn't find you, then the guardians said you were with them so I thought you were held captive--"

" Alright, I know and I am not blaming you." Jiang Ying Yue interjected, " I am teasing you. If I were you I'd have done the same if one of you went missing. There's no point in hiding your capability when you're in danger. You did don't ask for forgiveness."

Wei's face was blank he looked like someone who didn't know where to keep his hands and feet, he looked lost but wandering in search of something.

Jiang Ying Yue frowned seeing him this way. She always felt that something was different about Wei. But Jiang Ying Yue never gave it that much attention. Now that today she saw him again behave this way her intuition was becoming strong. However, she didn't plan to say or do anything now. For now, just observing was enough. Jiang Ying Yue swiftly hid the scrutiny under her eyes.

"Wei, call everyone here I'll take you all to a place." Jiang Ying Yue commanded in a soft voice feeling a bit weak. This acranium consumed quite a bit energy of her when she was already weak, to begin with. Jiang Ying Yue felt that she needed immediate rest.

Wei saw that her small face was pale didn't ask anymore and went to complete his task.

" Xiao You!...."


Everyone soon followed Wei looking for Jiang Ying Yue. When they saw her unharmed and uninjured they were both relieved and excited.

The one who was most excited among them was none other than Elder Mo who tagged along with them quietly.

"Grandmaster, nice to meet you. I am Mo Jing Shen your second grand disciple." Elder Mo was almost about to kneel and show his respect when seeing Jiang Ying Yue shocked and scared Wei hurriedly stopped him.

Jiang Ying Yue:"...."

Others: " !!!"

Abhram: " Buahahahaha!!!" pressing both hands on his stomach.

" Baby candy....this.. this is the little disciple you were talking about?!..." Jiang Ying Yue was shocked and speechless.

This supposed grand disciple of her was seventy or eighty same age as her grandfather.

.....And here he was going around and calling her Grandmaster. Jiang Ying Yue felt her face burning, her thick skin was burning today. She had nowhere to hide.

Azure gave a sheepish smile seemingly understanding what her master meant and started explaining, " Yes master, he was very young when I took him in. There are four more along with him, they are all my disciples."

Wow!.... that's great!...

She was now going to be the guardian of all these unusual combo of quirky creatures.

Before she had a bunch of toddlers to handle and now a bunch of old men was also added to that group. Oh....and how could she forget her little sister? she wasn't any less.

Her family was pretty big already.

'....God, please don't send me any more, I beg you!'

" Elder Mo, please don't call me that. I am your grandson's age, just call me Xiao You like others." Jiang Ying Yue's tone was very earnest. She didn't want to hear that word from such an old man's mouth. It was quite awkward and embarrassing.

" No, no, grandmaster, how can that be? I can only show you my deep respect for you with this title." Elder Mo was so serious. He wasn't the one who was willing to step back.

Jiang Ying Yue was so p*ssed that she was gritting her teeth.

' Yes...respect is deep indeed, however, it went too deep. I don't like it at all can't you understand, old man!'

" Master, congratulations on getting yourself such a 'competent' grand disciple. Hahahah..." Abhram was still trembling violently as made his master's fun.

" Abhram, do you want to die and don't forget you're also his master uncle." Jiang Ying Yue roared angrily reminding him of the fact.

Abhram who was drenched in cold water thrown by Jiang Ying Yue suddenly realized his own circumstances and directly confronted Azure who was sitting beside him innocently, " Azure!.... Are you crazy?! Why do you have to take such old disciples?!"

Azure wasn't any less when it came to arguing with Abhram she wasn't soft as she looked on the contrary she was very strong, strongest among the bunch, " Didn't you hear what I justt said to our master? I took them in when they were very young. Have you turned deaf?" Her both hands perched on her hips.

Her momentum was so strong that Abhram didn't dare refute her for a moment.

Now it was Jiang Ying Yue's turn to watch the show.