Special Identity

" We're here."

As they predicted the crew arrived at their destination in the early hours of dawn. The crew halted at the foot of the Beast Heaven mountain and decided to take a brief rest before starting their ascent.

" Let's rest for a while and we can start ascending the mountain when it's still early." Tian Shan suggested. And to this, no one objected, they were too tired to climb the mountain without any good amount of rest.

" What about the horses?" asked Xiang QingLing, these were the horses they borrowed from Elder Mo. Since they couldn't take them up the mountain they couldn't just leave them here in the wilderness to fend for themselves.

" Hmm...uh...don't worry about them, they can go back to their master on their own." Jiang Ying Yue responded as she dismounted her horse gracefully.

As they decided earlier the crew took a brief nap after which they got up and freshened, and ate their breakfast which was dumplings Jiang Ying Yue had asked Elder Mo to prepare for them before they departed the city. It was stored in her space ring and was still fresh and steaming. The dumplings were delicious, although it was simple it was enough to fill them.

The sun was slowly climbing up, the day was growing.

Around ten o'clock the crew packed up and finally started their ascent up the mountain.

Their old formation was still in effect, the only change was that Jiang Ying Yue had scooted to the front accompanying Wei in clearing the way, while on the rear Yuan Fang joined Tian Shan. And on either side, Xiang QingLing and Tian Lan were keeping watch as they treaded the densely packed and gloomy forest.

The tall trees, thick as girth as two or three people combined stood packed together, their dense canopy spreading wide and covering the forest sky rarely letting any sunlight in.

Although the Beast Heaven mountain was huge it wasn't very steep. So, the crew didn't find it that tough while climbing. They were all cultivators, to begin with, and they started cultivation as soon as they turned six or seven, so their physique was much better than that of ordinary people. Thus, when it came to climbing this not-so-steep mountain even Jiang Ying Mei who was the youngest one of them had nothing to complain about. It was just that the forest was too dense and it was easy to get lost. Every turn they took they had to turn behind to see if others were following.

" Look! There are fresh trails over there." Jiang Ying Yue pointed at the distance not far from them. Even in the dark, gloomy surrounding, her eyes remained vigilant and sharp enough to catch the finest details.

Tian Shan from the back also chimed at this, " I also found some on our way.....looks like we're not alone."

" Obviously we're not the only ones who came here.....How could we forget Xiao Tingfei and his pomp we saw a few days ago?" Tian Lan was always the first to show her disdain when it came to Xiao Tingfei. That damned man just irked her that much.

However, it looked like this time she was alone. There was another person in their crew that hated Xiao Tingfei as much as Tian Lan.

" Hmph! That dirtbag better end up in some spirit beast's stomach, wasting space in this world!" Jiang Ying Mei cursed Xiao Tingfei without even batting her eyes. Her cheeks were puffed looking all angry and heated up.

" Ah...Xiao Min, my little brother, you are absolutely right! That b*stard should--"

" Tian Lan!... there's a child around." Tian Shan shouted from the back reminding his silly sister. How dare she teach Xiao You's little brother all her nonsense?!

Jiang Ying Yue gave her younger sister a look but didn't discipline or say anything.

Jiang Ying Mei was ten this year and was usually well-behaved and soft-spoken. Now that she scolded someone so harshly and even cursed them to death it showed how much she hated them.

Plus, Jiang Ying Yue also didn't feel it was right for her to meddle in this matter. After all, the little girl's real sister was already dead and she died because of those people. If the girl scolded them, cursed them she had every right to do it. As for her, she was just a stranger, a stranger living in her sister's body.

This was also the reason Jiang Ying Yue never tried to meddle in any business related to the Jiang Residence. Whether it was about taking revenge for the owner's grievance or dealing with the royal family to gain their power back, the current Jiang Ying Yue never really cared about it. She always felt that she was an outsider here and these people were not her actual family so she always kept her distance.

Just like the time, when Madam Jiang saw them off she wasn't in her right state. She was hiding something. Besides, Jiang Ying Yue also found Madam Jiang very suspicious. She was clearly a powerful cultivator from the looks of it but she kept hiding it. However, Jiang Ying Yue despite knowing this all refused to meddle.

She had never been a meddlesome person unless it really irked her she wouldn't take any action.

The crew continued to climb for another three hours until late noon. They finally stopped and decided to set the camp.

" This place is good, a safe distance from the inner circle of the forest. There's also a stream nearby," said Wei as he helped Jiang Ying Yue unload her baggage. His actions looked natural.

At this Jiang Ying Yue looked interested and asked him back, " How do you know?"

They couldn't see nor hear any stream nearby but this guy looked so sure.

" I come here often." His face was stoic and his answer was short as usual. He wasn't willing to spare any extra or unnecessary words.

Jiang Ying Yue was also someone who respected one's privacy so she didn't continue asking.

However, Tian Shan and others were in awe once again. Ever since the swaying inn incident, they knew how strong Wei was and worshipped Wei like some God. Others here might not have realized it was who's doing but Tian Shan, Tian Lan, Yuan Fang, and Xiang QingLing knew better. Jiang Ying Yue also didn't bother hiding it from them because she also realized this bunch of kids was different.

They may look ordinary if one didn't pay them much attention, however, once they did they would find that these kids' even small and simple gestures sometimes spoke of their noble identity.

Plus, ever since they started their journey from the capital Jiang Ying Yue always felt the presence of lethal auras around her and it wasn't just her Wei was the first one to notice them, after all, his high cultivation allowed him to have sharper senses than her. And he said they didn't mean any harm to them instead they were protecting them. He didn't say who they were protecting but Jiang Ying Yue figured it out slowly. These four kids' identity was special.

Before the bunch used to address Wei politely and distantly but now their enthusiasm seemed to be leaking everywhere. Especially, Tian Shan, he was being overly chummy calling Wei brother and all.

However, this wasn't the end. A part of their adoration also seemed to have been reserved for her. They even sometimes call her crazy genius after seeing her having her breakthrough one after another. They were in shock when the little boy managed to climb two consecutive ladders just in four days. Jiang Ying Yue didn't bother hiding it because she felt that it was completely unnecessary after all they didn't even know her real identity. So, Jiang Ying Yue played arrogant causing the bunch of kids to doubt their lives since then.

Now, these kids considered Wei and her as their elders. So that's how the command of their team somehow shifted onto their shoulders.

The labour was divided equally among the crew. Everyone went around doing their task. Some collected dry leaves and branches for burning, some went to fetch water, while some worked to set up their tents, and some took the task of cleaning. It was turning dark they wanted to finish up and rest early.

" Hey!.... listen up guys!" It was Tian Lan who came running and shouting from a distance, Yuan Fang who had also gone with her to fetch some water followed behind helplessly.

Wei and Tian Shan were setting up the tents, Hu Meilin, and Qin Xia were clearing the ground around their camp while Jiang Ying Yue, her sister and their maids were off to collect firewood.

They all turned to look when they heard Tian Lan's excited cry and couldn't help asking.

" What's wrong?"

" Over....over there on the other side of the stream--" Tian Lan paused to breathe, " --there are people camping, they set up huge tents...."

Tian Lan gestured with her hands as she continued recounting what they had seen.

" It's true enemies are sure to cross paths...sigh." Xiang QingLing couldn't help but lament. This forest was so huge and yet they managed to stumble into each other on their first day. If this wasn't called fate then what else was?

This was very irritating!

They planned to have a good time training here but now it was looking like they'd be spending their days arguing and fighting instead.