Tian Shan's Bootlicking Talent

Wei wasn't interested in joining the fun and didn't bother with them anymore.

He clapped his hands, turned around and walked past Tian Shan with an expressionless face leaving behind the dumbfounded teenager to fend for himself.

He was going to look for Jiang Ying Yue. He was a bit worried, that girl was still injured but she refused to rest. Wei seemed sullen but he couldn't do anything to her.

Seeing the person getting farther and farther away Tian Shan who was staring in a daze suddenly woke up and shouted while running behind to follow, " Hey...hey, Brother Wei, where are you going?"

However, Wei didn't respond to him and continued to move forward walking straight in the direction where Jiang Ying Yue took her sister and maids to collect firewood.

Taking long strides he was almost about to disappear around the corner behind the thick trees and bushes when out of the corner of his eye he caught a few figures swaggering from a distance not far from him. Wei's steps halted abruptly.

Tian Shan who was chasing behind him muttering to himself without paying any notice to his changes collided against his strong macular back and almost broke his nose.

"Wow....." The poor guy clutched his nose and squatted down with a painful yelp. He felt like his nose was no longer his nose. He couldn't feel his nose at all, the only thing he felt was unbearable pain. He almost wanted to roll on the ground and scream disregarding his tough image.

However, the culprit who caused him this pain didn't even glance at him once. Instead turned around taking a 'U-turn leaving him behind to suffer alone in the wilderness.

'This damned cold-blooded man!' Tian Shan could only curse silently.

It was not only Wei who ignored him even Tian Lan and others refused to pay him any attention. Their attention was obviously focused somewhere else.

And...No one came to pick him up.

They could clearly see him squatting on the ground miserably. They still refused to take any notice.

Tian Shan felt that his life was too sad. He failed big time as a Captain.

" Xiao You, Xiao Min, you are back." Tian Lan was almost skipping. Her eyes twinkled brightly with gossip.

Especially, when she looked at Jiang Ying Mei her eyes were exceptionally bright. She acted as if she was reuniting with her long-lost twin.

After all, both of them shared the same kind of hatred and the same kind of love.

They both hated Xiao Tingfei and Bai Ya to death. On the other hand, they also held a deep admiration for Jiang Ying Yue's character and talent.

She was in hurry to welcome her partner and share some hot gossip. She was suppressing too much inside.

However, it seemed like she was not the only one who was in hurry.

Before Tian Lan could even get hold of their shadow a gust of wind blew with a 'swoosh'. The leaves on the ground fluttered.

Tian Lan paused and blinked her eyes, then wisely took a step back.

Not only her the people at the back who were going to approach the two sisters paused and turned around to resume their work.

" Are you alright? Why did you take so long?" Wei stood before Jiang Ying Yue and glanced her up and down, seeing that she seemed fine he breathed a sigh of relief. And tugged at the burden she carried in her arms.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't even get the chance to respond before her burden was snatched away.

This time she didn't refuse and let him carry the bundles for her not only she even gestured for him to go behind to help.

She was at complete ease letting him work for her. After all, it was he who asked for it. He had been continuously nagging her along the way about her injury. Although he didn't speak much, in his language it was enough to be considered as nagging.

He wanted her to rest. Alright, she will rest.

Jiang Ying Yue simply dusted her hands and stopped paying attention to him and followed behind Tian Lan intending to take some rest.

" Xiao You, let me tell you something." Tian Lan said mysteriously facing the two sisters as they walked towards their camp.

The two sisters who were looking around while walking paused briefly, then looked back at her curiously waiting for her to continue.

Tian Lan glanced at the two and felt that they were indeed brothers. Even the tug of their brows looked too similar.

However.....why did she have a feeling of strange familiarity when she looked closer?

Where did she see them?.....

"Sister Tian Lan??"

Tian Lan suddenly opened wide her squinted eyes remembering her purpose and hurriedly told them of her discovery.

When she was done, she stood aside wanting to see their stunned expressions.

However.....one, two...three.

She waited patiently and it never came.

Instead what greeted Tian Lan was Jiang Ying Yue's languid snort, " Oh."

Not surprised at all.

After replying to Tian Lan she dragged her sister along to the centre of the camp and slouched down intending to sit.

" Xiao You, why don't you look surprised at all?" Tian Lan saw her actions and couldn't help walking up to her to ask this after a moment of deliberation.

" Huh..." Jiang Ying Yue was already sitting with her legs folded, her posture extraordinarily relaxed, " That's because I already know."

She cocked her head up to glance at her as she answered.

Upon hearing this Tian Lan had a look of a punctured ball. Her shoulders drooped and she slumped down beside Jiang Ying Yue.

The news seemed old and her excitement was gone.

Xiang Qingling snickered looking at her un-lovable appearance before walking up to them to sit down.

Tian Shan and Yuan Fang also came over and worked together to make a fire.

Everything was settled and the fire was burning merrily with a crackling noise. The night was drawing closer but it wasn't completely dark.

One after one all gathered around the warm fire and took a seat. Someone brought out water while someone brought out some food intending to share among themselves to eat before going to sleep.

They were too tired to hunt and think about proper dinner, so they just decided to eat these dry chaff tonight and drink some water to fill the pit.

They distributed the food swiftly. It was a dry pancake. One was handed to each.

People held the pancakes in their hands and sighed before started gnawing and biting hard on them.

Jiang Ying Yue: "..."

Jiang Ying Yue looked at them speechlessly then glanced at the pancake handed to her.

She seriously wondered if there was something wrong with their brains.

Did they forget they have a thing called space ring?

She turned her head to the side and looked at her 'silly trio' working very hard to bite off a piece.

They twisted their faces and bared their teeth to tear off a small piece before taking a mouthful of water and chewing hard on it. This cycle went on.

The sight was too unbearable.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She couldn't bear seeing this anymore when she felt a slight touch on her shoulders. She was immediately startled.

" It gets chilly after dark, don't catch a cold." Wei's low and husky voice sounded beside her ear and she felt a warm blanket wrapped around her shoulders, " You rest here, I'll go and hunt some games."

Wei didn't wait for her to respond and stood up walking away from the camp.

Tian Shan who was the first to notice the movements immediately tossed the hard pancake he was holding in his hands and shouted after him, jumping up to follow, " Brother Wei, where are you going?! Are you going to hunt?....eh, Wait for me!" He was so quick.

Everyone was still looking blankly as the two figures disappeared into the dark after a moment.

" Why didn't I know Ah Shan was such a great bootlicker before?" Xiang Qingling looked incredulous.

Earlier Tian Shan was clearly saying he was too tired to move, so let's do with these pancakes for tonight.

And now he was suddenly bursting with energy as soon as Master Wei mentioned the word hunting.

Tian Lan shrugged she didn't know this either her brother had such great talent.