A Blind Shooting In Darkness

In the silent night, Wei was leaning against the sturdy bough of a tree closing his eyes, looking peaceful. His surrounding was too quiet not even his breathing was audible. This was too peaceful to the extent it was stifling until the man suddenly opened his eyes.

" Come out." His voice was low and emotionless, holding an unyielding authority.

As soon as his voice landed the leaves in the adjacent branches fluttered a little and a dark figure appeared out of nowhere, landing steadily on a narrow branch in front of him.

" Greetings, my lord." The man didn't look surprised. Regardless of the place he knelt on one knee and bowed his head in greeting, the dip of his head and posture vividly showing his deep admiration and respect for the man before him.

" Get up, let's talk somewhere else" Wei glanced at the man lightly before standing up to leave.

Somewhere else?....

Looking at his master's disappearing back Wei Mo looked around, looking hesitated for a moment hurriedly stood up and followed.

Two people flashed past many branches and trees in the dark until Wei finally stopped and landed on a distant tree. Wei Mo followed his master's steps quietly all this while and stood in a place not far from him.

" Any news from that side?" Wei said lightly without turning back, his broad and straight back was facing Wei Mo as he stood there with his hands behind his back.

His slender figure was shrouded in shadows yet it couldn't conceal his inherent arrogance. He was like a tall mountain vast and expanding under the sky standing tall and mighty. He was strong, unyielding and unfathomable. He was an indomitable existence, the master they followed with all their heart. And serving him was an honour for them.

He was a master worthy of all their respect yet at a time like this they couldn't help but pity him.

Yes, they knew this act was utterly disrespectful but it was something they couldn't help with.

Their master was a noble existence, born to enjoy all glory and riches of the world yet he was forced to give up all this and tread in unknown land like a homeless person.

His master was carrying so many burdens yet he didn't even have a place to rest.

Wei Mo retracted his gaze covering the heartache in his heart and bowed his head to answer.

" Yes, my lord." Wei Mo paused for a moment before continuing, " Our people found out that King Jin had come in contact with people of the Lower Realm recently. But both parties were extremely secretive, it was very difficult to find their purpose. "

Wei squinted his eyes slightly looking thoughtful, his back still straight and regal, " Who's the other party?"

Wei Mo still had his lowered as he reported the findings, " It's the Bai family from Bai Domain."

" Bai family? What kind of transaction are they doing with Long Wenyang?" Wei's eyes glinted coldly.

His royal uncle's wings seemed to have hardened a lot during his absence. Now his hands were reaching too far, first, it was the Middle Realm and now he even put his sight on the Lower Realm.

His Royal uncle seemed to be too restless!

Wei Mo glanced at his master secretly, " Master, do you think that they know you're here, otherwise there's no reason for King Jin to go to such an extent. If it was in the past with King Jin's temperament there's no way he would come in contact with people of Lower Realm."

After years of confrontations with King Jin, they had more or less figured out his true temperament.

King Jin, who was known for his kind and gentle temperament was actually a big hypocrite and snobbish person. Under the cover of his gracious facade, he was hiding his dirty nature.

The man was so used to acting that all these years there had been only a handful of people who could see through his true character. Knowing his real him was like knowing a completely different entity. The difference was too outrageous that it gave people the illusion that they were interacting with two entirely different people.

Wei didn't respond seemingly in deep thought, his face was expressionless.

It was really difficult to fathom what he was thinking.

It was after some time he finally spoke, " Keep monitoring. Inform the spies to keep a close eye on the goings of the Bai Domain, let's see what they're cooking up."

" Yes, My lord."

His master had been living a recluse life all these years conserving his strength, even though he had stayed in the Lower Realm for years he had been keeping to himself. It was very rare for him to participate in the power strife of Lower Realm unless someone deliberately provoked him.

As for those who provoked him, they never had a good ending. He had to agree that his master had a sadistic tendency and it was better not to provoke him.

" Anything else?" Wei glanced back.

" King Jin's son Prince Wu and Princess Wenxian had established a marriage contract, they'll be tying the knot in the Spring of next year."

We looked slightly surprised as his always expressionless face finally showed some reaction, " Princess Wenxian and Prince Wu?!" Wei paused and his expression returned to normal as he continued, " A marriage between close cousins?.... How are the courtiers reacting? Even if King Jin had won over them all they have to come up with a justifiable reason to appease the public."

Wei suddenly turned back and glanced at Wei Mo looking interested.

Wei Mo received his master's scorching gaze and his back straightened as he said somewhat hesitantly, " They claimed that it's the divine will, this marriage would be bringing fortune and blessing to the realm." Wei Mo paused wanting to roll his eyes at those people feeling disgusted.

They could have come up with anything was there really a need of using Divine will and for such a scandalous thing at that?

They really think they were Gods committing such a blasphemous action!

" They also claimed that with this marriage there would be the arrival of the True Gods in the realm."

True God?

Wei sneered, True Gods had only existed in legends. Even his Imperial father who was the ultimate being of the three Realms was far from becoming a True God.

This power and title were something one could only yearn for but never achieve.

However, this didn't mean that there wasn't any exception. The world was full of exceptions and anomalies if we take a close look. If this exception hadn't occurred in the past that didn't mean that it wouldn't occur in the future. Who knew what would happen in the future?

Moreover, the temptation of the things that were difficult to achieve was more fatal than all. One shouldn't underestimate it.

It was no wonder King Jin used this excuse. He was indeed very smart in using this as a bargaining chip to win over public opinion.

One had to know one couldn't rise to the rank of the True God in a day or two, it would take years after years of training and cultivation. By the time years had passed and those people realised they were scammed it was already too late. The couple was already married. Since they were happily married it would be unreasonable and cruel to destroy the couple.

"It seems like Princess Wenxian had set her sight on the throne of the empress." His voice was as cold as usual but those who knew him could easily detect the hint of mockery.

" Master, do you mean?!" Wei Mo was shocked.

Wei sneered, " Yes, they're trying to push Prince Wu up the throne. However..." he didn't speak more.

Was it that easy to sit on that throne? Huh!...

" But, master...Grand Princess is your biological aunt." Wei Mo knew his master had guessed it right, after all, they were all smart people who followed by master's side. So, how could they not know what was going on?

The moment Divine will be used they could more or less what was going to happen.

But he still found it a bit difficult to accept this sort of treachery.

Grand Princess was his master's biological aunt and the late Emperor's biological sister born from the same parents. So they were the closest relatives in their royal family. Yet, she chose to stab her master behind his back.

Did she forget all the kindness the late Emperor had ushered on them?

How treacherous was her heart, how ungrateful was she?!

Despite being the master's biological aunt she had been living well all these years in the Upper Realm. Under King Jin's reign, the glory and power that she held in her hand only kept increasing. One didn't need to think much to realise what was going on.

Furthermore, that Princess Wenxian...Hmph!

Wei Mo suddenly pursed his mouth trying to press his cold sneer.

" What are blood ties in the face of interest." Wei's voice was neutral, devoid of any emotion as if he didn't feel anything.

He didn't feel anything, all his emotions were already gone and so were the people who could make him want to feel them.

And to be honest it really didn't matter if he could feel them or not. Anyway, they were useless to him. As for talking about being a human, he had long lost human dignity. His dignity was long gone when he.....sigh.

It was just...

When it came to that little girl he had some regrets. He had promised his life to her but he couldn't even understand what exactly he felt for her. It was too dishonest of him.

He who had no feelings or emotions, to begin with, was talking about promising his life to someone. It was too ironic.

He was just like a blind shooting in darkness aimlessly. Since he had a job to shoot he could only continue shooting whether it struck the target or not that was a matter beyond his will.

Should he find that thing?.... He was also conflicted.

Listening to him Wei Mo couldn't help but let out an internal sigh. Ever since master gave up on all his emotions he had become even more unfathomable. It was very difficult to guess what he was thinking.

Wei Mo shook his head discarding his thoughts, " My lord, what are your orders?"

" Nothing for now, just keep monitoring."

Accepting the order Wei Mo was just about to disappear after greeting him when Wei hurriedly stopped him.

" Yes, my lord?"

" Do you have any information regarding Jiang Ying Yue, the Eldest young lady of Jiang's residence?" Wei had been meaning to collect this for a while. Ever since her confrontation in Lan Quan with Xiao Tingfei, he could tell that she harboured a great hatred towards that man. Although she had been doing her best in concealing it he could still feel it.

" The Eldest young lady of Jiang residence?" Wei Mo thought for a while and could only think of one person, " The daughter of General Jiang of Burning Phoenix nation?"

" Yes." Wei nodded feeling a bit regretful he should have done it before.

Wei Mo was curious but didn't dare ask more and responded immediately, " Jiang Ying Yue is the Hier apparent of General Jiang and also the future crown princess of Burning Phoenix nation--"

" What?! Crown Princess?!"

Wei'susuallyl deep and calm voice suddenly rose by a decibel startling Wei Mo, who was going on with his report in his standard mechanical tone.

Wei's shock seemed to be even higher than when she had heard his two cousins were marrying each other.

Wei Mo was so scared that his wooden face couldn't help but crack. He nearly fell off the branch from shock.

What happened?!.. What did he do?!

Was master angry?...

He wanted to sob, why was so stupid he couldn't figure out anything?!...

" Why aren't you answering?" Wei's cold voice sounded again, his dark eyes like deep swirling whirlpools gazing intently at him.

Wei Mo braced himself not understanding his master's mood as he forced himself to continue suppressing his stutter, " Yes, the two were engaged since they were very young. And they were set to get married when Eldest miss Jiang would turn sixteen this year--"

Wei Mo couldn't help but pause, shivering.

'My lord, can you please spare me? I am freezing to death!'